KSP-2-tools-and-mods copied to clipboard
Simple list of all (currently available) tools and mods for KSP2
Kerbal Space Program 2 Tools and Mods
Simple list of all (currently available) tools and mods for KSP2
Stuff will almost certainly break over time, so if you find anything it'd be great to tell someone in the modding discord or make a pull request fixing it
this repo is in need of someone to update it, for now updates will be less frequent
If you find a mod that isn't on the list please let us know or open a pull request
If you want to add/remove a mod/tool, feel free to just make a pull request or open an issue with the mod/tool name, author and link
- Quality Of Life
- Performance
- Cheats
- Other
- Modloaders
- Tools
Quality Of Life
AtmoSwitch by munix
- Allows you to switch vessels while moving within the atmosphere!
Auto Burn by cheese3660
- A space warp mod for auto completing maneuver nodes
Better Parts Manager by ShadowDev
- Do you hate the ingame parts manager and want a KSP1 style parts manager? This is for you!
Burn Controller by JohnsterSpaceProgram
- Lets you set up engine burns.
CommunityFixes by Bit-Studios
- This project aims to bring together community bug fixes for Kerbal Space Program 2 in one centralized place.
Custom Flags by adamsogm
- Adds the ability to add custom flags
CustomFlagLoader by bbepis
- Load custom flags
KSP Simple Steam Launch by R-T-B
- Bypass the PD Launcher
- KSP2-IVA by Mudkip909
Kerbal Joint Re-Reinforcement by Penumbra
- Modifies joint rigidity and attachment stiffness to improve upon wobbly craft
KerbalPatchProgram by miniroo321
- A collection of bug fixes for KSP2.
KerbalView by EloxZ
- Enables First Person View in KSP2
Less Wobbly by linuxgurugamer
- This mod will let you change the JOINT_RIGIDITY setting, which may help the wobbliness of rockets
Maneuver Node Controller by XYZ3211
- Provides an interface to finely tune maneuver nodes.
Micro Engineer by Micrologist
- Displays useful in-flight information about your vessel, your orbital trajectory and your maneuvers.
NotEnoughShips by Xeloboyo
- Spawn saved ships near your current vessel
P.A.I.G.E-B-Gone by amahlaka
- Disables Tutorial by default and mutes P.A.I.G.E
Resonant Orbit Calculator by schlosrat
- Calculate resonant orbits suitable for deploying constellations of satellites
StageInfo by natalia_simonova
- Popup window that displays staging information
Sticky Orbit Markers by munix
- Makes your Ap/Pe markers stick when using the maneuver tool
TimeWarpUnlock by miniroo321
- Unlocks the time warp control to allow maximum timewarp at all times.
Transfer Calculator by ABritInSpace
- A map view info dialog for planning interplanetary transfers
UI Scaler by Halban
- Change the size of the game's user interface via a slider in the settings menu.
WASD For VAB by ArchLinus
- Control the VAB camera using WASD
FPS Limiter by innocuous
- Limits your FPS!
Kerbal Optimization Program (KOPMod) by elsantiF
- A slightly serious attempt at making the game more playable without breaking everything
LagRemover by RadioArtz
- A mod that removes the game for improving performance.
Celestial Teleport Rendezvous by Dudekahedron
- A cheat menu for KSP2, written in Lua
Cheat Menu by ShadowDev
- Allows you to use cheats in KSP2
Lazy Orbit by Halban
- Set a vessel's orbit, rendezvous and land using a simple menu.
Rendezvous Cheat by ABritInSpace
- A cheat menu for vessel rendezvous
Draft Your Viewers 2 by Nifty255
- Don't want to strand Jeb in space? Strand your viewers instead!
Kalkulator by JohnsterSpaceProgram
- Adds a basic calculator with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functionality.
kRPC2 by djungelorm
- kRPC2 allows you to control Kerbal Space Program 2 from scripts running outside of the game, and comes with client libraries for many popular languages.
KSP2Dev LogConsole by ihsoft
- Advanced console to access the in-game logs
Small Debug Window by sea_x
- A small debug window that provides some of KSP2's built-in debug functionality.
Unity Explorer for Space Warp by cheese3660
- Adds Unity Explorer for SpaceWarp
Mod Loaders
- BepInEx by bbepis
BepInEx SpaceWarp Plugin by The SpaceWarp Team
- Running under Linux? Also check these notes for Proton/Wine support.
- SpaceWarp by The SpaceWarp Team
- Asset Ripper by ds5678
- KSP2 Save Viewer by Rodentman87
Galaxy Tweaker by Hyperion_21
- A galaxy configuerer that allows for modification and usage of custom GalaxyDefinition files, allowing users to tweak the galaxy.
ShowKSP2Events by Falki
- Shows events triggered by KSP2. This is a mod to help modders mod.