Stephane Mensah

Results 20 issues of Stephane Mensah

Will it be to request a feature to bypass cloudflare recaptcha? This might help . I have my crawler built with and cloudscraper and it works for me....

Hi. Is it possible to extend the type for `addFile`'s `content` argument? According to, it seems lacking. I have a file that its content is of type `ArrayBuffer` but...

help wanted

Hi! I was looking for an alternative to [mongoose-delete]( because i started migrating my models to typegoose. SO i came across this plugin and found it interesting. I was wondering...

good first issue

This library uses a locked version of zod which is `v3.21.4`. When a user uses a new version to use as schema, the editor(eg. vscode) points out a type definition...

So i came across some serious bug which i think it is. I was moving forward with my project when i noticed an error while querying an `index` field. I...

Let's say i have the following prisma schema and queries, how do i achieve it with pentagon at this current stage? Prisma schema ```prisma.schema model User { id Int @id...

I found your project while i was browsing I was looking for an easy way to setup a domain for localhost After installing and trying the `sudo locdev add...

According to the docs on [Handling component results ](, `transformWebAppData()` must be used to validate the data but that helper isn't currently available.

### Problem description It seems like the deno engine on deploy finds it hard to locate relative paths of jsr modules defined inside `imports` of deno.json that were added through...