@scratcher28, first of all, _rename_ function is available only from 9.30 alpha version of 7zip. Example is simple (from UnifiedArchive): ```php $this->sevenZip->addEntry($filename); $this->sevenZip->renameEntry($filename, $localName); ```
What does it do? What's purpose of this?
_PHPUnit package, for examples, has a .gitattributes file with several export-ignore rules to fine to the downloadable package_ Where is export-ignore ?
@jasonhoule waiting for pr
Can you attach this archive?
Ok, will see in few hours.
This is phar extension related problem: Reported this case, will wait for response.
Looks like zip or gzip-bomb and relates to Phar library, it's not UA issue
@dbpolito need sample tar.gz file
Need more information. Example of file or code at least