EffectNodes-for-cocos2dx copied to clipboard
special effects collection for cocos2dx
Hi, i'm very interested by your EffectNodes , could you please update it to the V3.3 ? kind regards
Uses the v3 types, renames classes (I should have separated this to its own commit, since it's a breaking change) and went through just about each line and tidied it...
在ripple demo 中,在ripple node 下添加一个背景 ``` c++ auto bg = Sprite::create("demoRes/tableCloth.png"); bg->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width/2 , visibleSize.height/2)); this->addChild(bg); ``` 然后执行 render texture 截屏 ``` c++ auto render = RenderTexture::create(visibleSize.width, visibleSize.height); render->begin(); Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene()->visit(); render->end();...
Can i apply the effect ripple_horizontal on the colorLayer or the node?
Hi, first thank you for your code i found that soft shadow is not working on real device im using iphone 6 ,OS 8.3 cocos2d-x 3.4 the game is not...
currently in EffectNodes v3, because it's translated from v2, for convenience, i use a customCommand to pass uniform value, this is not efficient and comfortable to code, i should modify...