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Issue with the list of symbols and abbreviations
Dear, I am trying to use the template for my master thesis and I have an issue with the glossaries as they are not generated as I feel they should.
In my thesis.tex document I have the following:
`\usepackage{nomencl} % For nomenclature \renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols} \newcommand{\myprintnomenclature}{% \cleardoublepage% \printnomenclature% \chaptermark{\nomname} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\nomname} %% comment to exclude from TOC } \makenomenclature%
% for the list of abbreviations (comment out if you do not use the glossaries package \usepackage{glossaries} % For list of abbreviations \newcommand{\glossname}{List of Abbreviations} \newcommand{\myprintglossary}{% \renewcommand{\glossaryname}{\glossname} \cleardoublepage% \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\glossname} %% comment to exclude from TOC \printglossary[title=\glossname] \chaptermark{\glossname} } \makeglossaries%`
And later I just ask for it to be printed as:
`\includepreface{preface} \includeabstract{abstract} \myprintglossary
\tableofcontents \listoffigures \listoftables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \mainmatter % to get \pagenumbering{arabic} \onehalfspacing \instructionschapters\cleardoublepage
\includechapter{introduction} \includechapter{methods} \includechapter{protocol} \includechapter{results} \includechapter{conclusions}`
Then, I generate the entries of that glossary as:
\newglossaryentry{tddf}{name={TD-DFT},description={Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory}} \newglossaryentry{casscf}{name={CASSCF},description={Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field}} \newglossaryentry{ci}{name={CI},description={Configuration Interaction}}
I call those entries, for example as:
However, when I do that, an empty blank page is generated in the resulting pdf document with heading "List of abbraviations" but nothing is displayed. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
Did you also run the makeindex binary? See the readme (or thesis.pdf if you are on windows).
Hi, thank you for your reply! I solved it running it on TexStudio, as pointed in a previous issue, although it did not work for me on Visual Studio Code using the LaTeX tools or libraries.
It works with me with VSC with MiKTeX complier. Dont forget to first and all good