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Blazingly fast audio and video streaming with HTTP3/QUIC

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Segmented live media delivery protocol utilizing QUIC streams. See the MoQ draft

How It Works

TLDR: Warp works by delivering each audio and video segment as a separate QUIC stream. These streams are assigned a priority such that old video will arrive last and can be dropped. This avoids buffering in many cases, offering the viewer a potentially better experience.

Possible use cases:

  • Streaming a Graphical User Interface to web browsers using a single UDP port and with hardware acceleration. See Arc3dia
  • Streaming movies from a remote Plex or Jellyfin server

... and many more


  1. Exposes a single port (443/udp, 443/tcp), which is especially useful when scaling docker containers
  2. Encrypted and secure end-to-end connections by default
  3. Faster handshake, 1RTT, which is especially useful for mobile-first applications
  4. Roaming support
  5. Congestion Control

Special Thanks

This project could not have been possible without the great work done by:




This project is licensed under Mozilla Public License, v2.0