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Yet Another Kalman Filter Implementation. As well as Lie Theory (Lie group and algebra) on SE(3). [no_std] is supported by default.
yakf - Yet Another Kalman Filter
Yet Another Kalman Filter Implementation, as well as,
Lie Theory (Lie group, algebra, vector) on SO(3), SE(3), SO(2), and SE(2).
is supported by default.
Current implementation status
Filter Status
- UKF ✅
- EKF (Only dynamically-sized version) ✅
Sampling Method Status
- Minimal Skew Simplex Sampling (n+2) ✅
- Symmetrically-Distributed Sampling Method (2n+1) ✅
Static V.S Dynamic Cases
- For statically-sized state whose dimension is known in compile time, refer to
- For dynamically-sized state whose dimension may vary in run time, refer to
Lie Group Status
- SO(3) ✅, refer to
- SE(3) ✅, refer to
- SO(2) ✅, refer to
- SE(2) ✅, refer to
Lie Group Examples
- (non-generic) Kalman Filter Example on SO(3) ✅ see
for instance - (non-generic) Kalman Filter Example on SE(3) ✅ see
for instance
NOTE that some functions havn't been thoroughly tested, so please let me know if there is any error.
UKF Usage
Add this to your Cargo.toml:
yakf = "0.1"
Example (statically-sized):
/// import yakf crate
extern crate yakf;
/// import State trait, UKF filter struct, and MSSS sampling method struct
use yakf::kf::{
MinimalSkewSimplexSampling as MSSS, State, SymmetricallyDistributedSampling as SDS, UKF,
/// import Re-exports of hifitime (for time) and nalgebra (for matrix)
use yakf::{
time::{Duration, Epoch, Unit},
fn main() {
use crate::linalg::{Const, OMatrix, OVector, U2};
use rand::prelude::*;
/// define a custom struct to be the state. e.g., BikeState, has a 2-D vector x (x[0]: position, x[1]: velocity) and a timestamped time t.
pub struct BikeState {
pub x: OVector<f64, U2>,
pub t: Epoch,
/// for example, you can define your own methods.
impl BikeState {
pub fn new(state: OVector<f64, U2>, epoch: Epoch) -> Self {
BikeState { x: state, t: epoch }
pub fn zeros() -> Self {
Self {
x: OVector::<f64, U2>::zeros(),
t: Epoch::from_gregorian_tai(2022, 5, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0),
/// you **MUST** implement State<T,U> for your custom state struct.
impl State<U2, Const<1>> for BikeState {
fn state(&self) -> &OVector<f64, U2> {
fn set_state(&mut self, state: OVector<f64, U2>) {
self.x = state;
fn epoch(&self) -> Epoch {
fn set_epoch(&mut self, epoch: Epoch) {
self.t = epoch;
// you SHOULD provide a function `dynamics` for UKF propagating the state.
// for example,
let dynamics = |x: &OVector<f64, U2>, _ext: &OVector<f64, Const<1>>, dt: Duration| {
OVector::<f64, U2>::new(x[0] + x[1] * dt.in_seconds(), x[1])
// you SHOULD ALSO provide a function for UKF yielding measurements based on given state.
// for example, assume the measuring has a 2-D measurement.
let measure_model = |x: &OVector<f64, U2>| OVector::<f64, U2>::new(x[0], x[1]);
// you SHOULD ALSO specify a sampling method for UKF.
// for example, you can specify a MSSS method
type T2 = Const<4>;
let samling_method = MSSS::<U2, T2>::build(0.6).unwrap();
// or you can specify a SDS method as an alternative.
type _T2 = Const<5>;
let _samling_method = SDS::<U2, _T2>::build(1e-3, None, None).unwrap();
// finally, build the UKF.
let mut ukf = UKF::<U2, T2, U2, Const<1>, BikeState>::build(
OMatrix::<f64, U2, U2>::from_diagonal_element(10.0),
OMatrix::<f64, U2, U2>::from_diagonal_element(1.0),
OMatrix::<f64, U2, U2>::from_diagonal(&OVector::<f64, U2>::new(1.0, 0.001)),
// you can then use ukf to estimate the state vector.
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut add_noisies = |mut y: OVector<f64, U2>| {
y[0] += rng.gen_range(-3.0..3.0);
y[1] += rng.gen_range(-0.1..0.1);
let s = OVector::<f64, U2>::new(-5.0, 1.0);
let t = Epoch::now().unwrap();
let mut bike_actual = BikeState::new(s, t);
"bike actual = {:?}, ukf estimate = {:?}",
let mut actual_normed_noise: Vec<f64> = Vec::new();
let mut estimate_normed_error: Vec<f64> = Vec::new();
let nums_measure = 500_usize;
// you can set an arbitary time base for ukf.
// a timing system would help in aligning data.
let ukf_base_epoch = ukf.current_estimate().epoch();
for i in 0..nums_measure {
let dt = Duration::from_f64(1.0, Unit::Second);
let m_epoch = ukf_base_epoch + dt;
Remark 1. Note that the actual dynamics doesn't need to be exactly the same with that used by ukf.
Actually, the dynamics used by ukf is only a Model abstracted from the actual one.
But in this example, assume they are the same. Case is the same for measuring model.
Remark 2. For the same reason, the delta_t used by actual dynamics is not neccesarily the same
with dt (the one used by ukf estimation) and, actually, delta_t should be much smaller than dt
in real world. However, for simplity, this example just let them be the same, i.e. delta_t = dt.
let _ = bike_actual.propagate(&dynamics, dt, OVector::<f64, Const<1>>::zeros());
// use measuring model to simulate a measurement, and add some noises on it.
let mut meas = measure_model(&bike_actual.state());
meas = add_noisies(meas);
// every time the measurement is ready, ukf is trigger to update.
ukf.feed_and_update(meas, m_epoch, OVector::<f64, Const<1>>::zeros());
if i > nums_measure / 3 {
actual_normed_noise.push((&meas - bike_actual.state()).norm());
.push((ukf.current_estimate().state() - bike_actual.state()).norm());
"bike actual = {:?}, meas = {:.3?}, ukf estimate = {:.3?}",
let nums = actual_normed_noise.len();
let noise_metric: f64 = actual_normed_noise
.fold(0.0, |acc, x| acc + x / nums as f64);
let error_metric: f64 = estimate_normed_error
.fold(0.0, |acc, x| acc + x / nums as f64);
"noise_metric = {:?}, error_metric = {:?}",
noise_metric, error_metric
assert!(error_metric < noise_metric);
You may see the output as
.. .. ..
actual = [493.0, 1.0], meas = [493.281, 1.073], estimate = [492.553, 1.073]
actual = [494.0, 1.0], meas = [492.615, 0.941], estimate = [492.598, 0.941]
actual = [495.0, 1.0], meas = [496.849, 1.019], estimate = [495.710, 1.019]
noise_metric = 1.5346849337852513, error_metric = 1.2218914483371828
SO(3)/SE(3) Usage
The element in SO(3) is stored as an Enum type, named by SO3
One can create such an element by methods from_vec
, from_grp
, from_alg
. Either will be Ok, since an element can be expressed in all the three forms, and there exists a one-on-one mapping relationship among them.
For example, one can create a SO3 element so
from a 3-d vector:
let so = SO3::from_vec(Vec3::new(0.3, 0.6, -0.9));
If you want use its vector form, just call
let v = so.to_vec();
if you want use its group form, just call
let g = so.to_group();
and if you want use its algebra form, just call
let a = so.to_alg();
As you know, all v
, g
, a
stand for the same SO3
element so
(limited in a proper range).
Currently, some neccessary methods have been implemented for SO3
The design of SE(3)
is consensus with SO(3)