
Results 25 comments of wangxiang1230

> Hi, thanks for sharing the code. In the experiment, you have report the mAP performance of temporal action detection with the generated proposals. Can you share the related code...

> 作者您好,关注您网络实现部分,发现对input_data_unlabel 数据生成的特征最后一步都进行了add mask 操作(teacher ,student 模型中都进行了)。请问add mask 操作的作用是什么?对应论文的哪一小节? 为什么 input_data 数据没有实现add mask 操作? 此外,还有就是bm_mask()方法的作用是什么,bm_mask()和add mask 有什么区别?感谢答复 The role of mask is to pick out unlabeled data with high confidence...

> 还有个问题想要请教,在student模型中,您对input_data和input_data_unlabel 都先进行了.flip(2)操作后再送入BMN网络。而teacher模型中,您是先将input_data和input_data_unlabel送入BMN网络,再对其输出进行.flip(1)或.flip(3)操作. 请问.flip(1)、.flip(2)、.flip(3)部分都是实现的论文中所指的temporal feature flip 么? 这种先进行.flip()先后顺序(送入BMN网络前,送入BMN网络后)是怎么考虑的? > […](#) > ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "wangxiang1230/SSTAP" ***@***.***>; 发送时间: 2022年3月29日(星期二) 下午2:55 ***@***.***>; ***@***.******@***.***>; 主题: Re: [wangxiang1230/SSTAP] 关于bm_mask()方法和add mask 操作的一些疑问 (Issue #8) 作者您好,关注您网络实现部分,发现对input_data_unlabel 数据生成的特征最后一步都进行了add mask 操作(teacher...

> I3D的特征是以原始帧频提取的 Hi, the I3D features are extracted at the original frame rate.

> > > I3D的特征是以原始帧频提取的 > > > > > > Hi, the I3D features are extracted at the original frame rate. > > i3d的特征是RGB和光流特征拼接后进行线性插值的吗? The I3D features provided only include...

> > > > > I3D的特征是以原始帧频提取的 > > > > > > > > > > > > Hi, the I3D features are extracted at the original frame rate. >...

I3D features do not involve label information in the ActivityNet dataset (v1.2 or v1.3) and only use pre-trained Kinetics information.

> Hi, thanks for your attention to SSTAP. I3D features are pre-trained on Kinetics and without fine-tuned on ActivityNet v1.3. TSN features are consistent with BMN/BSN.

> 您好,感谢您的两个工作。我是通过您PRN的工作了解到的数据扰动作为数据增强的操作,我能否问下在PRN中使用了那些方法来辅助数据扰动吗,因为在我使用其作为数据增强时,反而像您在SSTAP中关于TSM中操作的描述的一样,会导致性能下降。 谢谢您 Hi, in PRN, we used data augmentation including random dropout, temporal shift, random dropout 2d and so on.

Hi, I have also noticed this problem. We found the account was disabled for no apparent reason. I will update the new link as soon as possible. Thanks.