autoarchive copied to clipboard
After copying with Awesome Autoarchive messages in source missing
I created some rules to copy messages from my original Gmail account into a local copy. The Gmail account is IMAP with storing messages locally. Already a few weeks ago I realized a curious thing that in the source Gmail folder after copying the mails, some of the mails are missing. Therefore I took a look using a browser at my Gmail account but there the mails where still where they should be. Though, they are only missing in Thunderbird's local copy of the Gmail account but not in my Gmail account itself.
Inside the local account copy ("Lokale Ordner"/"Local Folders") of the Gmail account ([email protected]) the missing mails are exist.
The following folder "SIG Asperger" is in Gmail under "[email protected]\Reiner\Sonstiges\Mensa" and its mails are copied by Awesome Autoarchive to "Lokale Ordner\Reiner\Sonstiges\Mensa\SIG Asperger".
The AA settings:
The mails visible in the browser frontend of Gmail:
Just one mail in Gmail account in Thunderbird left:
All mails in Local Folders in Thunderbird:
Investigating greetings
Unfortunately, the issue is still existing in Version 0.6. Latest Thunderbird is installed, OS is Win7 x64.