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v3.3.3 cannot open by draging files that stored in the FAT32 file system
With v3.3.3, I found that if the ASS file or video file is stored in the file system in the FAT32 format, those files cannot be dragged into AEGISUB to open.
I can only open those files through the menu bar options.
The issue just appear in v3.3.3 (both x86 and x64).
v3.3.2 and v20210713-R9212 didn't have the issue (these two versions just tested x64).
Log file: (One is open a video file stored in FAT32, another is open the same video file stored in NTFS) open
===== Chinese translation =====
v3.3.3 不能拖动打开存放在FAT32文件系统里的文件
只能通过菜单栏选项打开(文件->打开字幕 / 视频->打开视频)
问题只出现在 v3.3.3 (x86和x64都是这样)
v3.3.2和v20210713-r9212并没有这个问题 (这两个版本只测试了x64)
这裡也有一样的情况 v3.3.3 的x64与x86版本皆无法直接以拖拽方式打开Fat32下的档案(srt,mp4,etc) 而V3.3.2的x64与x86版本则都可以直接拖拽打开 对于时常使用USB装置工作者 这个的确造成了不便利 另外 英文PO档已经有很多新增字符没有更新了
再麻烦作者修正与更新 谢谢