Leo Wang
Leo Wang
So due to such a limitation of Gson, maybe you can try other JsonSurfer implementation, e.g. JacksonSurfer
You're right. There is no standard JsonPath so far. And you can find comparison for most JsonPath implementation here: https://github.com/cburgmer/json-path-comparison I'm not sure whether most of JsonSurfer users need SQL...
Currently, in JsonSurfer the filter is supported for array structure only. There is not an official standard for JsonPath syntax for now. You can check the differences among JsonPath projects...
Thanks for the info. Will try to upgrade it soon
This feature would require modification to jsurfer-core, probably need to implement a new kind of JsonCollector which to be inserted into the dispatcher. Tips here: https://github.com/jsurfer/JsonSurfer/blob/master/jsurfer-core/src/main/java/org/jsfr/json/SurfingContext.java#L79 If you are interested,...
This is the doc: https://www.rarlab.com/technote.htm#arcstruct
[hello.zip](https://github.com/codedread/bitjs/files/5671053/hello.zip) due to the limitation of github, I pack the rar file in a zip file
Maybe you can check getCurrentArrayIndex in the ParsingContext to detect whether it starts parsing a new array element
> Any plan for the next release? Merged in master