
Results 106 comments of HeisenBerg?

finally get the output here ``` root@7a800d18ed18:/# cat /usr/local/openresty/nginx/logs/error.log 2019/12/25 14:05:56 [error] 38#38: *6 [lua] ssl_certificate.lua:68: issue_cert(): auto-ssl: failed to obtain lock: timeout, context: ssl_certificate_by_lua*, client:, server: 2019/12/25...

adjust conf to this ``` init_by_lua_block { auto_ssl = (require "resty.auto-ssl").new() -- Define a function to determine which SNI domains to automatically handle -- and register new certificates for. Defaults...

@steveseguin thanks for our quick answer . i dont get 'so you'll need to wait for the native app to be released in that case.' can you explain more

代理格式应该是http https都要有 proxy = {'http': '', 'https': ''}

is there a way to pass an argument to activate monetization for uploaded video? "monetization": {"allowed": true}

the title could by default be the specified file name if there is no title is on the command line AND none is in the json file?

``` { "uploadSetting": { //你可以为一个账号添加多个代理,这样子一个代理失败会自动切换 "proxy_option": "socks5://", //默认的延迟检测 可以不用设置 "timeout": 200000, //是否打开浏览器调试 "is_open_browser": "True", //是否打开调试日志 "debug": "True", "username": "[email protected]", "password": "U437P8Is9prmNquVerHJ9%R00a", //浏览器可以选择"chromium", "firefox", "webkit"其中之一 "browser_type": "firefox", "channel_cookie_path": "/Users/wenke/github/tiktoka-studio-uploader/offloaddogsboner-cookie.json", //三选一 //"go...

please tell me more about your usage

1.do you use a proxy? 2.do you use user/pass login? 3.