QtAV copied to clipboard
libqtav_mediacodec is too old and uses libgnustl_shared from a very old ndk
QtAV, Qt version and platform
QtAV 1.7 for android and Qt 5.12.11 armeabi-v7a
Reproduction steps
build QtAV for Android with libqtav_mediacodec enabled for armaebi-v7a (wth MediaCodecTextureStandAlone.h on the Qt include folder and libqtav_mediacodec.so and libgnustl_shared on the lib folder, libgnustl_shared obtained from QMLPlayer signed apk)
build qtav mediaplayer qml for android, (adding libgnustl_shared on the libs/armeabi-v7a/ folder because libqtav_mediacodec.so complains about it) set the videoCodecPriority to MediaCodec -> crash because newer ndks use clang llvm, and libqtav_mediacodec.so with libgnustl_shared are incompatible
Expected behavior
play videos with MediaCodec acceleration
Actual behavior
crash because newer ndks use clang llvm, and libqtav_mediacodec.so with libgnustl_shared are incompatible
Please rebuild libqtav_mediacodec.so for armeabi-va and arm64-v8a for Qt 5.12.11 or 5.12.12, its the last LTS version of Qt with separated armv7 and arm64v8 folders for libs, it should last for a long while now that uses ndk with clang llvm
Thanks in advance Best regards
it's included in https://sourceforge.net/projects/mdk-sdk/files/nightly/mdk-sdk-android.7z/download