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[Q] How to create normalized frequency histogram with W&B custom chart
Goal: I am having trouble creating a histogram of normalized frequencies in Weights and Biases custom charts. I would love some community help 😄 .
I modify the default Vega-Lite code from W&B custom chart histograms to produce this plot:
I want to normalize the histograms per-group such that the bin heights add up to one. (Note that because the bin-width is set to one, this is both a valid PDF and PMF.)
I am surprised that this is so difficult to do -- normalized histograms are so common! -- and would immensely appreciate any help to get this to work.
Current Approach: I am following this example from the Vega-Lite documentation that creates a normalized frequency histogram. In the transform
block, they aggregate
by count
, use joinaggregate
to sum
the entire count, and then caclulate
the datum.Count / datum.TotalCount
to get the normalized frequencies.
When I try adding this functionality to my Vega-Lite code, no plot appears in the editor, indicating some sort of error 🐛 .
Code I Used: More specifically, I got an error when adding the following Vega-Lite code to the bottom of my transform
"joinaggregate": [
{"op": "sum", "field": "Count", "as": "TotalCount"}
"groupby": ["newGroupKeys", "color", "grouped"]
"calculate": "datum.Count / datum.TotalCount",
"as": "RelativeFrequency"
Here is my working Vega-Lite code used to produce the plot above. When adding changes to normalize by frequency, this code no longer works.
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json",
"description": "A simple histogram",
"data": {
"name": "wandb"
"transform": [
"calculate": "if('${field:groupKeys}' === '' || datum['${field:groupKeys}'] === '', false, true)",
"as": "grouped"
"calculate": "if('${field:groupKeys}' === '' || datum['${field:groupKeys}'] === '', datum.name, datum['${field:groupKeys}'])",
"as": "newGroupKeys"
"calculate": "if('${field:groupKeys}' === '' || datum['${field:groupKeys}'] === '', datum.color, datum['${field:groupKeys}'])",
"as": "color"
"aggregate": [
"op" : "average",
"field": "${field:value}",
"as": "${field:value}"
"groupby": ["newGroupKeys", "color", "grouped", "${field:value}"]
"selection": {
"grid": {
"type": "interval", "bind": "scales"
"title": "${string:title}",
"layer": [
"transform": [
{"filter": "datum.grouped == false"}
"mark": {"type": "bar", "tooltip": {"content": "data"}},
"encoding": {
"x": {
"bin": {"binned" : false, "step" : 1},
"type": "quantitative",
"field": "${field:value}"
"y": {
"aggregate": "count",
"stack": null
"opacity": {"value": 0.6},
"detail": [{"field": "newGroupKeys"}, {"field": "color"}],
"color": {
"type": "nominal",
"field": "newGroupKeys",
"scale": {"range": {"field": "color"}},
"legend": {"title": null}
"transform": [
{"filter": "datum.grouped == true"}
"mark": {"type": "bar", "binSpacing": 0, "tooltip": {"content": "data"}, "clip": true},
"encoding": {
"x": {
"bin" : {"binned" : false, "step" : 1},
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"domain": [0, 30]},
"field": "${field:value}"
"y": {
"aggregate": "count",
"stack": null
"opacity": {"value": 0.6},
"detail": [{"field": "newGroupKeys"}, {"field": "color"}],
"color": {
"field": "newGroupKeys",
"type": "nominal",
"scale": {"range": "category"},
"legend": {"title": null}
"resolve": {"scale": {"color": "independent"}}
Any help to diagnose this issue would be immensely appreciated. Thanks.
Alternatively, can I make a normalized histogram by logging to a table and then using Weave? I need the histograms to work when I group certain runs together and want to ensure Weave plots will do this.
Any help would be immensely appreciated, especially from the W&B team.
Hello! Sorry that this slipped through! I am looking into to see if there is a way to do this in Weave.