Mason Nguyen
Mason Nguyen
Hi @TatankaConCube I'm not sure but I spent hours on this problem and I find out that it happens when I add some dependencies in dev_dependencies. Here is my pubspec.yaml...
Thank for your answer @TatankaConCube . I've been try to remove your libs and build my app then it works perfectly. Can I know what exactly build log you prefer.
Thank for your answer @TatankaConCube . I deleted connectycube_sdk: ^2.2.1 then run step 4 after that I add connectycube_sdk: ^2.2.1 and run step 3 => the app works well. I...
I'm not sure. Sorry because I cannot find where exactly the problems were. It just cannot run normally when I use it with dependencies which were noted in the comment...
same error here
@Milad-Akarie Can you take a look on this please?
After adding Path, you should run `source ~/.zshrc`
Hi @alestiago . I have some ideals. ```dart void main() async { entrypoint.bootstrap( () async { final address = InternetAddress.tryParse('{{{host}}}') ?? InternetAddress.anyIPv6; final port = int.tryParse(Platform.environment['PORT'] ?? '{{{port}}}') ?? {{{port}}};{{#invokeCustomInit}}...
I am trying to figure out how to use Mason and how to customize these bricks. I want to check my ideal but I have not found a way to...
I checked dart_frog_dev_server brick but I have no ideal how to modify this file because of the line "// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND". I'm confused!