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Development Configure
Add Hot Reloading to Xcode 9 Injection App
Layout and UI
Elegant iOS form builder in Swift Creating UIViews programmatically in Swift Crop images PureLayout vs SnapKit - Great confrontation
Access Permission
Access iOS Camera, Photo Library, Video and File from User device
Async Control Pattern
Promises for Swift & ObjC ReactiveX for swift
VIPER and best practices Dependency Injection Singleton Pattern Factory Pattern
Realm-swift Cache Work with Swift 4 Codable
Configuration for different env Organizing Your iOS Debug, Development, and Release States With .xcconfig Files Pre-build script to alter your environment config
Memory Leak
Build Configuartion
Optimizing-Swift-Build-Times Cocoapods or Carthage Pre-build (Swift) script to alter your Xcode project at build-time per environment and build configuration