I think what I would like to know is this. What is LoE to do do the following? * Set up * mainnet binary * fork of mainnet (basically have...
@marcelo-gonzalez 's comment > so it looks like what is missing from those scripts is a way to set up the accounts to use for the test. So there are...
@tayfunelmas , does long trie loading(from flat storage) and construction time impact performance? I was assuming this should be done before the next epoch behind the scene?
> On startup (eg. after a restart of the node). [code](https://github.com/near/nearcore/blob/1d082db0cb803de917c92ed7f10b365f4f5a7ad5/chain/chain/src/runtime/mod.rs#L1247) This load blocks the overall startup (the state sync/catchup happens after that). To make sure I understand the 'latency'...
Thanks for the write up-! couple questions 1. Could you share how I can read [dashboard](https://nearinc.grafana.net/d/a41c3c5e-4c1b-41fc-919c-11040e9cfc13/shadow-chunk-validation?orgId=1&from=1710336658780&to=1710337979128&var-node_id=pugachag-mainnet&var-shard_id=All&viewPanel=26) better? 2. What does 'cache_state_values' in witness size graphs mean? Does it mean size...
Should we consider this task (https://github.com/near/nearcore/issues/10566) as overlap of what you are working on?
In that case, I will merge #10566 into this one. Feel free to re-open if you think otherwise
Can we have update summary based on the latest progression?
adding @birchmd as owner of the task for now
Need @saketh-are 's support