crs-al-language-extension copied to clipboard
crs-al disable reorganizes file
crs-al disable prevents renaming the object but still reorganizes the file.
For given table extension
//crs-al disable
tableextension 50400 "PRFX Functional Setup" extends "PRFX General Setup"
//crs-al enable
It prevents renaming the object "PRFX PRFX General Setup" But still moves the file out of the subfolder "src/tableextension/" into "src/"
Workspace settings:
"settings": {
"al.codeAnalyzers": [
"al.enableCodeAnalysis": true,
"al.packageCachePath": "../.alpackages/",
"al.ruleSetPath": "../workspace.ruleset.json",
"CRS.ExtensionObjectNamePattern": "<Prefix><BaseName>",
"CRS.FileNamePattern": "<ObjectNameShort>.<ObjectTypeShortPascalCase>.al",
"CRS.FileNamePatternExtensions": "<ObjectNameShort>.<ObjectTypeShortPascalCase>.al",
"CRS.ObjectNamePrefix": "PRFX ",
"CRS.OnSaveAlFileAction": "Reorganize",
"CRS.SkipWarningMessageOnRenameAll": true,
"files.exclude": {
".snapshots": true
"search.exclude": {
"**/*.g.xlf": true
It would be really nice if there was a "CRS.Exclude": [ 'filename', 'or directory'] to be able to define an array or files or directories to be skipped for rename/reorganize.