crs-al-language-extension copied to clipboard
Rename/Reorganize Issue with permission sets
Renameing and reorganizing Permission Sets does not work well. I have an app with just one permission set:
permissionset 50100 "abc"
Assignable = true;
Permissions = TableData "AAD Application" = RIMD; //just an example
{ //workspace
"CRS.AlSubFolderName": "src",
"CRS.ObjectNamePrefix": "PTE",
"CRS.RemovePrefixFromFilename": true,
"CRS.FileNamePattern": "<ObjectNameShort>.<ObjectTypeShortPascalCase>.al",
"CRS.FileNamePatternExtensions": "<ObjectNameShort>.<ObjectTypeShortPascalCase>.al",
{ //global
"CRS.DisableCRSSnippets": false,
"CRS.DisableDefaultAlSnippets": true,
"al.enableCodeActions": true,
"CRS.DependencyGraph.ExcludePublishers": []
wenn running reorganize file will not be renamed, prefix will not be added to object name and the file will not be moved to the right folder(just src not src/permissionset).
My Demo Project: Tested with:
- waldo's CRS AL Language Extension v1.4.9
- AL Language v7.3.486497
- any other extension was disabled for testing
- vscode v1.58.1
Rename and reorganize works fine with other objecttypes.