Matthias Treydte
Matthias Treydte
Ich habe das Gefühl, das gleiche Problem besteht wenn Homebridge startet während das Netzwerk down ist (ENOREACH oder ähnliches beim Verbindungsaufbau). Man muss Homebridge neu starten um das zu reparieren.
Not that my opinion matters here but I had a look anyway, and I like it. :smile: Still, I think this would be even better if * there were multiple...
> To leverage above issues coming with generic iterators, I may specialize the function for random access iterators with your proposal. WDYT? The use case I have in mind for...
This is starting to annoy me, too. But from a quick look here: > It is not obvious to me what is the scope where a call to `av_log_set_callback`...
The library exposes only a carefully chosen set of classes and methods, so everything you see in the [JavaDocs]( is considered public API. A good starting point for exploring the...
I have little experience with Android development, but I don't know a reason why it wouldn't work. Is there any particular problem?
I'd like to do so, but it's not as simple because of the JNode heritage of this library. Maybe we can join our forces in comparing the current code to...
I discussed that with them in IRC years back, they can't do it because the contributors would have to be asked, too. Something like this.
I'd like to take every source file in it's current state, and see if / which parts of it can be found in the original sources. Basically this would mean...
There is not much logic [involved]( when checking the presence of a boot sector, so I can only assume the problem lies somewhere else. What kind of device are you...