Winston Kotzan
Winston Kotzan
This confused me too at first. I thought I encountered the same problem as @avinash-khushu until I realized that `Devise::Models::Invitable#generate_invitation_token` creates a token which is sent in the email link...
None of the above solutions to fix the loading issues worked for me. I've done the base 64 encoding and the time delay hacks. The page and its custom fonts...
CNAME works fine for my repo. Are you putting the CNAME file in your /source directory?
I made a new commit incorporating Parker's feedback.
Seems that they no longer want people accessing the API. It needs a browser cookie now, but who knows they probably rate limit it too. Once again Wall Street screws...
Yahoo deprecated the API - this gem just no longer works because the API can no longer be publicly queried. You might be able to do it by starting a...
Encountering the same problem here. Appears to be an issue with `JSON::Api::Vanilla.parse`. Why not just use native Ruby JSON.parse? From: /patreon-ruby/lib/patreon/api.rb @ line 34 Patreon::API#get_parse_json: 31: def get_parse_json(suffix) 32: json...