legacy-python-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
legacy-python-cli copied to clipboard

Command line interface used by all WakaTime text editor plugins.

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/wakatime/wakatime.svg :target: https://travis-ci.org/wakatime/wakatime :alt: Tests

.. image:: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/g9snpluqi8svrgbn/branch/master?svg=true :target: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/alanhamlett/wakatime-jl10s/branch/master :alt: Windows Tests

.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/wakatime/wakatime/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github :target: https://coveralls.io/github/wakatime/wakatime?branch=master :alt: Coverage

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/wakatime.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wakatime :alt: Version

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/wakatime.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/wakatime :alt: Supported Python Versions

.. image:: https://wakatime.com/badge/github/wakatime/wakatime.svg?branch=master :target: https://wakatime.com/ :alt: Code time tracker


This repo is deprecated. Use the Go version of wakatime-cli <https://github.com/wakatime/wakatime-cli>_ instead.

Command line interface to WakaTime <https://wakatime.com/>_ used by all WakaTime text editor plugins <https://wakatime.com/editors>_.

Go to http://wakatime.com/editors to install the plugin for your text editor or IDE.


Note: You shouldn't need to directly use this package unless you are building your own plugin <https://wakatime.com/help/misc/creating-plugin>_ or your text editor's plugin asks you to install the WakaTime CLI manually.

Each plugin <https://wakatime.com/editors>_ installs the WakaTime CLI for you, except for the Emacs WakaTime plugin <https://github.com/wakatime/wakatime-mode>_.

Install the plugin for your IDE/editor:


Each plugin either comes pre-bundled with WakaTime CLI, or downloads the latest version from GitHub for you.


If you are building a plugin using the WakaTime API <https://wakatime.com/developers/>_ then follow the Creating a Plugin <https://wakatime.com/help/misc/creating-plugin>_ guide.

For command line options, run wakatime --help.

Some more usage information is available in the FAQ <https://wakatime.com/faq>_.


Options can be passed via command line, or set in the $WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg config file. Command line arguments take precedence over config file settings. The $WAKATIME_HOME/.wakatime.cfg file is in INI <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file>_ format. An example config file with all available options::

debug = false
api_key = your-api-key
hide_file_names = false
hide_project_names = false
hide_branch_names =
exclude =
include =
include_only_with_project_file = false
status_bar_icon = true
status_bar_coding_activity = true
offline = true
proxy = https://user:pass@localhost:8080
no_ssl_verify = false
ssl_certs_file =
timeout = 30
hostname = machinename
projects/foo = new project name
^/home/user/projects/bar(\d+)/ = project{0}
disable_submodules = false

For commonly used configuration options, see examples in the FAQ <https://wakatime.com/faq>_.


Read How to debug the plugins <https://wakatime.com/faq#debug-plugins>_.

Make sure to set debug=true in your ~/.wakatime.cfg file.

Common log file location in your User $WAKATIME_HOME directory::


Each plugin also has its own log file:

  • Atom writes errors to the developer console (View -> Developer -> Toggle Developer Tools)
  • Brackets errors go to the developer console (Debug -> Show Developer Tools)
  • Cloud9 logs to the browser console (View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console)
  • Coda logs to /var/log/system.log so use sudo tail -f /var/log/system.log in Terminal to watch Coda 2 logs
  • Eclipse logs can be found in the Eclipse Error Log (Window -> Show View -> Error Log)
  • Emacs messages go to the messages buffer window
  • Jetbrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, AndroidStudio, WebStorm) log to idea.log (locating IDE log files <https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files>_)
  • Komodo logs are written to pystderr.log (Help -> Troubleshooting -> View Log File)
  • Netbeans logs to it's own log file (View -> IDE Log)
  • Notepad++ errors go to AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config\WakaTime.log (this file is only created when an error occurs)
  • Sublime Text logs to the Sublime Console (View -> Show Console)
  • TextMate logs to stderr so run TextMate from Terminal to see any errors (enable logging <https://github.com/textmate/textmate/wiki/Enable-Logging>_)
  • Vim errors get displayed in the status line or inline (use :redraw! to clear inline errors)
  • Visual Studio logs to the Output window, but uncaught exceptions go to ActivityLog.xml (more info... <http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudio/archive/2010/02/24/troubleshooting-with-the-activity-log.aspx>_)
  • VS Code logs to the developer console (Help -> Toggle Developer Tools)
  • Xcode type sudo tail -f /var/log/system.log in a Terminal to view Xcode errors

Useful API Endpoints:

  • List of Plugins and when they were last heard from <https://wakatime.com/api/v1/users/current/user_agents>_
  • List of computers last sending coding activity <https://wakatime.com/api/v1/users/current/machine_names>_

Useful Resources:

  • More Troubleshooting Info <https://wakatime.com/faq#debug-plugins>_
  • Official API Docs <https://wakatime.com/api>_


To install the dev environment::

virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install tox

Before contributing a pull request, make sure tests pass::


The above will run tests on all Python versions available on your machine. To just run all tests with your current Python version::


To run only a single test method, specify the test file location, test class, and test method. For example, to only run the Git project detection test::

nosetests tests.test_project:ProjectTestCase.test_git_project_detected

Many thanks to all contributors <https://github.com/wakatime/wakatime/blob/master/AUTHORS>_!