MediumClap-Android copied to clipboard
👏 The Medium's Clapping Effect developed in Android
Hi, amazing library. I have a usecase where I need to send count value to the server but I dont want to it on every click. Is there any way...
I am trying to use the library and facing this crash. Any reason why? Process: com.sharesmile.share, PID: 4231 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/github/florent37/viewanimator/ViewAnimator; at com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB.fabScaleUpAnimation(ClapFAB.kt:337) at com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB.playActualFabAnim(ClapFAB.kt:308) at com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB.access$playActualFabAnim(ClapFAB.kt:28) at...
Clap starts clicking on it's own indefinitely.
The com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB cannot be found in version 1.0.6 I switched back to 1.0.5 and everything was ok.
android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #21: Binary XML file line #21: Error inflating class com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #21: Error inflating class com.wajahatkarim3.clapfab.ClapFAB Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
When I add the clapfab to my XML it takes unnesseary padding on the top of the fab button. why is that so? Event thought i have given wrap content.
Write an article on Medium about how MediumClap library was created and where I got the inspiration to create this library.