Results 43 issues of waja and needs to be reviewed and updated

First go ahead with semaphores for LMD. Using GNU's parallel program (perl threads with file locking) we are able to parallelize the file scanning process which is the bottleneck in...

Looking into and indicates there are newer versions available. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find *deb.bin files for it.

Github Actions can be used outside the Github infrastructure, for example [Forgejo]( can use Actions (see The action seems not support to be used outside the Github infrastructure (yet).

The website seems not available anymore.

When running behind reverse proxy there seems to be troubles with PROFIND. When connecting straight to the radical httpd (port 5232) it works well. Browser console: ``` 'PROPFIND'] code:...

Just for those who have forgotten where simple_flask was grabed.

Hi, I'd like to install icinga2. While this is already possible via 3rd party solution [chocolatey](, I'd prefer a way that works with onboard tools. Since some time Windows has...


Running checkbashisms ( against nagios/bin/* from the 1.1.5 release results into the following error. Not using bash as /bin/sh is likely to lead to errors or unexpected behaviours. Please be...

``` # netstat -tapn | grep 8080 tcp6 0 0 :::* LISTEN 8262/java ``` ``in `/etc/jitsi/videobridge/` is needed to not just bind to Now you are able to...