Results 104 comments of waja

I never needed such things to do. my `docker-compose.yml` parts is very straight forward: ``` db: image: mariadb:10.5 [...] environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud - MYSQL_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD} ``` no...

See You should stay at `mariadb:10.5` until this is solved.

As stated in > This project isn't active anymore. See

You can switch over to the drop in replacement

@davidv92 as far as I remember the nextcloud documentation tells us to update to the latest minor version and then update to every version of the latest major version.

@MaggiWuerze You should be able to just update the image, as @hoellen nextcloud image is based on @Wonderfall image. Have a look into the [about]( section of the README. What...

@Seb35 So what you wonna say is, that it is fixed at least with 2.3.3-5. Is this correct?

Looks like CodeQL test found something...

doesn't look so invasive ... maybe we give it a try?

@ichdasich what @RincewindsHat might want to say ... can you maybe try to implement his suggested changes? ;)