## Description ## Related Issue Or Context Closes: #289 ## How Has This Been Tested? Testing details. ## Types of changes - [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes...
I'm using @mpetrunic #359 as base to have folder structure ## Description ## Related Issue Or Context Closes: #376 ## How Has This Been Tested? Testing details. ## Types of...
We need to implement interfaces for BTC transfer to provide base ground to discuss around this future integration ## Implementation details Implement BTC interfaces to create transaction with encoded data...
Using v20.x LTS or above v20 produces the following error: `TypeError [ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION]: Unknown file extension ".ts" ` ## Expected Behavior Examples should work with latests versions of node ## Current...
## Description It adds capability to get bip21 uri encoded or transfer request object. Also provides example to transfer from testnet btc to sepolia, and from sepolia to tesnet btc...
Provide test for Substrate Fungible class. ## Implementation details - Define mocks if necessary for the different methods or functons being used - Test cases for Fee and transaction -...
Provide test for BTC Fungible class. ## Implementation details - Define mocks if necessary for the different methods or functons being used - Test cases for miner fee calculation and...