wails copied to clipboard
windows 11 report virus when wails build
wails build DEB | Using go webview2loader Wails CLI v2.6.0
Build Options
Platform(s) | windows/amd64 Compiler | D:\apps\Go\bin\go.exe Skip Bindings | false Build Mode | production Devtools | false Frontend Directory | E:\workspace\golang\waterfaute\frontend Obfuscated | false Skip Frontend | false Compress | false Package | true Clean Bin Dir | false LDFlags | Tags | [] Race Detector | false
Building target: windows/amd64
• Generating bindings: ERROR
changeme: go build changeme: open C:\Users\jq\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build664362386\b001\exe\a.out.exe: Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software.
exit status 1
changeme: go build changeme: open C:\Users\jq\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build664362386\b001\exe\a.out.exe: Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software.
exit status 1
To Reproduce
run wails build
Expected behaviour
success build
No response
Attempted Fixes
No response
System Details
Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.22621.2428]
Additional context
No response
Personally I've found the details in wails.json can make a difference, I'll grab my work config and do some testing and report back.
I am running into this issue as well, out of nowhere today. Also using Windows 11.
Yes, I had it with Task as well last night. This isn't a Wails issue. This has been covered many times.
@leaanthony So I suspected, thank you. In your experience, is it a false positive? It went away as I restarted my machine, though I did ran Defender just in case.
I can't speak for your application but in general, Go applications can get flagged by antivirus vendors because they have poor virus detection mechanisms. Sign your app and it's usually fine. Yeah, I don't get the logic either.
step by step:
1、wails init -n wailstest
DEB | Using go webview2loader Wails CLI v2.6.0
Initialising Project 'wailstest'
Project Name | wailstest Project Directory | e:\workspace\golang\wailstest\wailstest Template | Vanilla + Vite Template Source | https://wails.io
Initialised project 'wailstest' in 21.37s.
♥ If Wails is useful to you or your company, please consider sponsoring the project: https://github.com/sponsors/leaanthony
2、 wails build DEB | Using go webview2loader Wails CLI v2.6.0
Build Options
Platform(s) | windows/amd64 Compiler | D:\apps\Go\bin\go.exe Skip Bindings | false Build Mode | production Devtools | false Frontend Directory | e:\workspace\golang\wailstest\wailstest\frontend Obfuscated | false Skip Frontend | false Compress | false Package | true Clean Bin Dir | false LDFlags | Tags | [] Race Detector | false
Building target: windows/amd64
• Generating bindings: Done.
• Installing frontend dependencies: Done.
• Compiling frontend: Done.
• Generating application assets: Done.
• Compiling application: Done.
INFO Wails is now using the new Go WebView2Loader. If you encounter any issues with it, please report them to https://github.com/wailsapp/wails/issues/2004. You could also use the old legacy loader with -tags native_webview2loader
, but keep in mind this will be deprecated in the near future.
Built 'e:\workspace\golang\wailstest\wailstest\build\bin\wailstest.exe' in 13.651s.
♥ If Wails is useful to you or your company, please consider sponsoring the project: https://github.com/sponsors/leaanthony
3、Distribution to other users
I use dingtalk to send to others
Antivirus software is triggered at this step
See answer above. Locking thread as there's nothing to add.