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Results 284 wails issues
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### Description After the tag [v2.0.0-beta.39.2](https://github.com/wailsapp/wails/releases/tag/v2.0.0-beta.39.2) toggling fullscreen causes a crash on linux. As @leaanthony suggested in #1653 I did a git bisect and it seems that ae756a8409bce442c881e24cfe2a0430d603440f is the...


New `wails show` command to show release notes (as well as other things - maybe doctor later on). Release notes are run through a markdown renderer for nice output. They...

### Description PR #1615 introduces the `GetDevInstallerCommand()` method to get the installation command of dev dependencies: https://github.com/wailsapp/wails/blob/b9882eabe226c9f2cce0acbe910d3e7ebf705378/v2/internal/project/project.go#L87-L92 This method returns the `p.DevCommand` when the `p.DevCommand` is not empty, the corresponding...

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Add a `frontend:dev:install` configuration in wails.json to specify the dev dependencies installation command and update the docs. Fixes #1663

### Description @leaanthony @stffabi I have written code to reproduce the render problem. The following are expected and unexpected result. Expected: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11382804/181476344-7a2073e3-ee39-4ee2-af65-951cf0e13ff9.png) UnExpected: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11382804/181476297-a8f60280-c644-473f-b5d1-f98453940a86.png) ### To Reproduce 1. wails build...

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### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We'd like to support multiple windows and improve the current window APIs to support it. ### Describe the solution...


Add Some WindowStates, States not tested. Issue: #1348 - [x] Implement window state as a native event - [x] Testing on Windows - [x] Testing on macOS - [ ]...

Multiple fixes for Linux warnings. Fixes #1654 Fixes #1653

### Description When running an app built with v2.0.0-beta.42 either as a binary or via `wails dev`, when the window opens the following is printed on the console: ```shell (wailsv2b42:482510):...

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