wagtail-streamfield-migration-toolkit copied to clipboard
Comparison of `args` and `kwargs` returned by `deconstruct` may result in poor comparisons
Currently in BaseBlockDefComparer
we compare blocks for similarity by deconstruct
ing them and comparing the args and kwargs. This may cause poor comparisons when, for example, positional arguments are passed as keyword arguments, for example:
>>> from wagtail.snippets.blocks import SnippetChooserBlock
>>> a = SnippetChooserBlock("myapp.MyModel")
>>> b = SnippetChooserBlock(target_model="myapp.MyModel")
>>> a.deconstruct()
('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('myapp.MyModel',), {})
>>> b.deconstruct()
('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', (), {'target_model': 'myapp.MyModel'})
In this case, blocks a
and b
are evidently "the same", but will not be considered so under the current logic.
To illustrate the cases we will need to consider to solve this, take the following class as an example. Any new object created gets a copy of the instantiation args and kwargs cached on it, as in the base Block
class Foo:
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
obj = super().__new__(cls)
obj._constructor_args = (args, kwargs)
return obj
def __init__(self, bar, baz, *args, qux=None, **kwargs):
Positional arguments may be passed as keyword arguments:
>>> Foo(bar="bar", baz="baz", qux="qux")._constructor_args
((), {'bar': 'bar', 'baz': 'baz', 'qux': 'qux'})
Keyword arguments may be passed positionally:
>>> Foo("bar", "baz", "qux")._constructor_args
(('bar', 'baz', 'qux'), {})
There may be varargs:
>>> Foo("bar", "baz", "qux", 42)._constructor_args
(('bar', 'baz', 'qux', 42), {})
There may be varkwargs:
>>> Foo("bar", "baz", qux="qux", quux="quux")._constructor_args
(('bar', 'baz'), {'qux': 'qux', 'quux': 'quux'})
There may be an (unholy) combination of varargs and varkwargs
>>> Foo("bar", "baz", "qux", 42, qux="qux", quux="quux")._constructor_args
(('bar', 'baz', 'qux', 42), {'qux': 'qux', 'why': 'quux'})
The inspect
module has a number of utilities that may be of use.
inspect.getfullargspec returns a namedtuple with the function's argument spec:
>>> inspect.getfullargspec(Foo.__init__)
FullArgSpec(args=['self', 'bar', 'baz'], varargs='args', varkw='kwargs', defaults=None, kwonlyargs=['qux'], kwonlydefaults={'qux': None}, annotations={})
inspect.bind can create an inspect.BoundArguments object:
>>> sig = inspect.Signature.from_callable(Foo.__init__)
>>> sig
<Signature (self, bar, baz, *args, qux=None, **kwargs)>
>>> foo = Foo("bar", "baz", "qux", 42, qux="qux", quux="quux")
>>> bound_args = sig.bind(foo, *foo._constructor_args[0], **foo._constructor_args[1])
>>> bound_args
<BoundArguments (self=<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fcd4599f880>, bar='bar', baz='baz', args=('qux', 42), qux='qux', kwargs={'quux': 'quux'})>
Which we could potentially use to take care of resolving differences in the way a function can be called:
>>> sig.bind(foo, bar="bar", baz="baz")
<BoundArguments (self=<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fcd4599f880>, bar='bar', baz='baz')>
>>> sig.bind(foo, "bar", "baz")
<BoundArguments (self=<__main__.Foo object at 0x7fcd4599f880>, bar='bar', baz='baz')>
>>> sig.bind(foo, bar="bar", baz="baz") == sig.bind(foo, "bar", "baz")
inspect.Signature and BoundArguments have been around since 3.3: https://peps.python.org/pep-0362/