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Translation plugin for Wagtail CMS

Wagtail localize

Version License codecov Language grade: Python black pre-commit

Wagtail Localize is a translation plugin for the Wagtail CMS. It allows pages or snippets to be translated within Wagtail's admin interface. It also provides integrations with external translations services such as Pontoon or DeepL, and importing/exporting translations with PO files.

Documentation Changelog


Wagtail Localize requires the following:

  • Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10)
  • Django (2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0)
  • Wagtail (2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 3.0) with internationalisation enabled


Install using pip:

pip install wagtail-localize

Add wagtail_localize and wagtail_localize.locales to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

    # ...
    "wagtail_localize.locales",  # This replaces "wagtail.locales"
    # ...


All contributions are welcome!


To make changes to this project, first clone this repository:

git clone [email protected]:wagtail/wagtail-localize.git
cd wagtail-localize

With your preferred virtualenv activated, install testing dependencies:

pip install -e .[testing] -U


Note that this project uses pre-commit. To set up locally:

# if you don't have it yet, globally
$ pip install pre-commit
# go to the project directory
$ cd wagtail-localize
# initialize pre-commit
$ pre-commit install

# Optional, run all checks once for this, then the checks will run only on the changed files
$ pre-commit run --all-files

How to run tests

Now you can run tests as shown below:


or, you can run them for a specific environment tox -e python3.8-django3.2-wagtail2.15 or specific test tox -e python3.9-django3.2-wagtail2.15-sqlite wagtail_localize.tests.test_edit_translation.TestGetEditTranslationView

To run the test app interactively, use tox -e interactive, visit and log in with admin/changeme.


For support, please use GitHub Discussions or ask a question on the #multi-language channel on Wagtail's Slack instance.


Many thanks to all of our supporters, contributors, and early adopters who helped with the initial release. In particular, to The Mozilla Foundation and Torchbox who sponsored the majority of the initial development and Wagtail core's internationalisation support.