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Using Wireshark to decode packets on HTTP/2 over TLS in Chrome on Window/Mac OS X
The popular Wireshark packet analyzer added decoding on HTTP/2 in version 1.12.0 and fully decodes HTTP/2 frames. Unfortunately most HTTP/2 is sent over TLS which means that, by default, Wireshark will not be able to decrypt the packets to be able to get to the HTTP/2 for decoding.
Fortunately, there is a workaround if you are using Google Chrome for testing. It is possible to get Chrome to save the symmetric cryptographic key used for TLS connections to a file and Wireshark is able to read that file to decode TLS connections.
This is done by setting the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable before running Chrome. I'm running on Mac OS X and use Google Chrome Canary for testing so I run:
Mac OS X
% export SSLKEYLOGFILE=`pwd`/sslkey.log
% /Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary
Google Chrome will then write session keys to that file. In Wireshark I configure it to read the file by going to Preferences, expanding the Protocols list.
Then I find SSL and set the Pre-Master-Secret log filename to point to the same file.
Then Wireshark can decode the TLS connections made by that browser. Here's the beginning of a connection between Google Chrome Canary and the experimental server
The Same As Windows except the evironment setting difference as below
This isn't working on my Mac.