Wade Pickett
Wade Pickett
Per list provided by Mark. Review of all doc team created Repo properties that need to be reviewed and corrected. --- [Associated WorkItem - 272936](https://dev.azure.com/msft-skilling/Content/_workitems/edit/272936)
### Description - [ ] Update the entire series and code samples for .NET 9. - [ ] Consider how we might address the problem of having two commands in...
### Description Unified User Feedback Port: Customer Feedback: "Needs to beif (! String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { movies = movies. Where(s => s.Title!. ToUpper(). Contains(id.ToUpper())); }" ### Page URL https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/first-mvc-app/search?view=aspnetcore-8.0 ### Content source...
### Description Unified User Feedback issue port: "Facebook's API has radically changed since this article was created." Taking a look, the last content update beyond minor metadata and loc updates...
### Description United User Feedback Port: Customer Feedback: " The code examples on this page are confusing. For one, there is already an existing Core class called AuthenticationService. Also, the...
### Description Update to .NET 9. Also, the app sample to 8.0 needs to be updated and the v8 version of the doc point to it. Instruction for older versions...
**Parent tracking for all CS efforts for all ASP.NET / IIS / EF repos.** This effort will likely span more than one monthly sprint. It is expected however that we...
Per discussion in #33408 Create a new topic that covers secure authentication flows for ASP.NET Core. This topic would be linked to from other topics where we use examples of...
CS effort for repos: **dotnet_EntityFramework_Docs** **dotnet_EntityFramework_ApiDocs** For details see: [SFI info in Teams](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:[email protected]/1722361260037?tenantId=72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47&groupId=8d8475c9-f864-4ed0-825e-b2e419026017&parentMessageId=1722361260037&teamName=Content%20Team%20%7C%20C%2BE%20Skilling&channelName=General&createdTime=1722361260037) ROPC: 35 Files in EntityFramework.Docs 0 in EntityFrameworkApiDocs See CS Dashboard per email thread. --- [Associated WorkItem...
Curate at least 30 articles from the aspnetdocs repo: Review and apply the approval process. Rick-Anderson and Tdykstra intend to suggest some branches in the TOC to archive which we...