Wade Pickett
Wade Pickett
### Description This topic refers to startup config and the code is in line to the topic, so it would be good to move that out into a complete 8.0...
------ **Collaborative Work In Progress** while in draft ------ Contributes to - dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs#27996 - dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs#28459 Changes from existing 6.x version: - Updated to .NET 7 from scratch so it has...
Work on anything that will help improve the content health score based on the current data and what will have the highest effect per priority.
### Description Created based on Unified Feeback backlog from 12/12/23: "In Get TodoItem? What? Any moment, do you explain how do you this works? And using this part of the...
### Description The HelloWorldController.cs sample code has `using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;` which is out of date. Looks like it was carried over accidentally from the 3.x sample. The sample path here: "...
### Description Unified feedback control verbatim backlog 1/8/24: Developer is unsure of where to place the project/solution or if it matters. High traffic topic. I don't think it would hurt...
Triage all Unified feedback for both the AspNetCore.Docs and the aspnetdocs repos during the May sprint. --- [Associated WorkItem - 250816](https://dev.azure.com/msft-skilling/Content/_workitems/edit/250816)
Parent issue tracking all API Tool changes required. Postman is no longer recommended, switch content to using the latest recommended API testing tool appropriate for the scenario. **Repo: dotnet/aspnetcore.docs:** -...
### Description Update to use the latest recommended API testing tool per its scenario context. Related to parent issue #31967 ### Page URL https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authorization/policies?view=aspnetcore-8.0 ### Content source URL https://github.com/dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs/blob/main/aspnetcore/security/authorization/policies.md ###...
### Description This issue was filed through the unified customer feedback tool. Customer Verbatim: "Would be nice to have a link to a github page so that you can just...