Wade Pickett
Wade Pickett
Closing per Rick's feedback after review.
Thanks James! I'll add a note to the doc. Thanks @thegreatco for letting us know your experience with the doc, greatly appreciated.
@Ikelio, thanks for sharing your experience with the doc. There are preprocessor directives such as `#define Third`, `#if First` etc, dividing up the HelloWorldController.cs file , so it repeats code...
Verified the controller includes `return HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode($"Hello {name}, ID: {ID}");` in the controller and works. This code is available on lines 19-23. It is available if "Third" is defined: `#define Third`...
@Rick-Anderson, there was an email thread from 1/29 on the MSDN archive along with details and contacts that might be helpful.
It looks like a reduced portion of the content exists archived here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/technet-wiki/
I did not find one that worked. It looks like any topic that had absolutely zero traffic for a while was not included in the narrower archive set currently available.
I will forward the archiving details and contacts offline so you can see what happened.
@Rick-Anderson, I can handle all the other Postman/API tooling updates across topics for the team, but this particular one might be best handled by you. I'm not up at all...
@Rick-Anderson, just a heads up on this old one from March that might have been forgotten, related to current work on Postman. Related to #33083