Wade Harrell

Results 4 comments of Wade Harrell

[MSDN: Exception thrown and not caught](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/w4e7h3yz%28v=vs.94%29.aspx) > You included a throw statement in your code, but it was not enclosed within a try block, or there was no associated catch...

might want to ask FB to remove the bit of their docs that explicitly says you can get IE8 support with es5-sham https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/working-with-the-browser.html#polyfills-needed-to-support-older-browsers

how about if sham uses the defineProperties function from shim? so defineProperties(ObjectPrototype, { defineProperty: function ... });

debugging so far: after this line https://github.com/styled-components/jest-styled-components/blob/master/src/toHaveStyleRule.js#L18 I added ``` console.log(`received.debug():${JSON.stringify(received.debug(),null,' ')}`); console.log(`received.dive().debug():${JSON.stringify(received.dive().debug(),null,' ')}`); ``` the className values are not the same, which means the new `hasClassName(received)` condition is getting...