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Use powerful dot notation (dot path + wildcard) to manipulate properties of JSON


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Use powerful dot notation (dot path + wildcard) to manipulate properties of JSON.

Table of Contents

  • Install
  • Usage
    • Basic
    • Advanced
  • API
  • Contribute
  • License


$ npm install dot-wild --save

# or

$ yarn add dot-wild



import * as dot from 'dot-wild';

 * Getter

dot.get({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }, '');
// => 'baz'

dot.get({ '': 'baz' }, 'foo\\.bar');
// => 'baz'

dot.get({ '': 'baz' }, 'notfound', 'default');
// => 'default'

const authorData = {
  authors: [
    { username: 'tsuyoshiwada', profile: { age: 24 } },
    { username: 'sampleuser', profile: { age: 30 } },
    { username: 'foobarbaz', profile: { age: 33 } }

dot.get(authorData, 'authors.*.username');
// => ['tsuyoshiwada', 'sampleuser', 'foobarbaz']

dot.get(authorData, 'authors.*.profile.age');
// => [24, 30, 33]

 * Setter
dot.set({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }, '', 'newvalue');
// => { foo: { bar: 'newvalue' } }

dot.set([{ foo: {} }], '', 'value');
// => [{ foo: { bar: { baz: 'value' } } }]

const members = [
  { username: 'tsuyoshiwada', profile: { age: 24 } },
  { username: 'sampleuser', profile: { age: 30 } },
  { username: 'foobarbaz', profile: { age: 33 } }

dot.set(members, '*.id', 1);
// => [ { username: 'tsuyoshiwada', profile: { age: 24 }, id: 1 },
//      { username: 'sampleuser', profile: { age: 30 }, id: 1 },
//      { username: 'foobarbaz', profile: { age: 33 }, id: 1 } ]

 * Deleter
dot.remove({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }, '');
// => { foo: {} }

dot.remove(members, '*.profile');
// => [ { username: 'tsuyoshiwada' },
//      { username: 'sampleuser' },
//      { username: 'foobarbaz' } ]

 * Has
dot.has({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }, '');
dot.has(members, '*.profile.age');
// => true

dot.has({ foo: { bar: 'baz' } }, 'foo\\.bar');
dot.has(members, '*.notfound.key');
// => false


import * as dot from 'dot-wild';

const postData = {
  text: 'ok',
  code: 200,
  data: {
    posts: [
      { id: 1, title: 'post 1' },
      { id: 2, title: 'post 2' }
    tags: [
      { id: 1, name: 'tag 1' },
      { id: 2, name: 'tag 2' }

 * Flatten values
// => {
//      text: 'ok',
//      code: 200,
//      '': 1,
//      'data.posts.0.title': 'post 1',
//      '': 2,
//      'data.posts.1.title': 'post 2',
//      '': 1,
//      '': 'tag 1',
//      '': 2,
//      '': 'tag 2'
//    }

 * Expand values
dot.expand({ '': 'baz' });
// => { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }

 * Collection helpers (forEach, map)
dot.forEach(postData, 'data.posts.*.id', (value, key, context, path, data) => {
  // value   => 1, 2
  // key     => 'id', 'id'
  // context => { id: 1, title: 'post 1' }, { id: 2, title: 'post 2' }
  // path    => '', ''
  // data    => postData...
});, 'data.tags.*.name', (value, key, context, path, data) => {
  return `${dot.get(data, path)} === ${value} (${key})`;
// => ['tag 1 === tag 1 (name)', 'tag 2 === tag 2 (name)']

 * String to Tokens
// => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

// => [ 'foo', '1', '2', '*', 'bar.*', 'baz' ]

 * Match path (helper method)
dot.matchPath('', '');
dot.matchPath('foo.*.bar.*.baz', '');
// => true

 * Escape path string
// => 'foo\\.bar'

// => 'foo\\.bar\\.baz'

 * Build path from Tokens like array
dot.buildPath(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
// => ''

dot.buildPath([1, '[2]', 3, '["foo"]', 'bar.baz']);
// => '\\.baz'

 * Check contains wildcard token
// => true

// => false


See API Documetation.

All methods return a new object or array. (immutable)

  • get(data, path, [value, options]): Object | any[]
  • set(data, path, value): Object | any[]
  • remove(data, path): Object | any[]
  • has(data, path): boolean
  • flatten(data): Object
  • expand(data): Object | any[]
  • forEach(data, path, iteratee, options): void
  • map(data, path, iteratee, options): any[]
  • tokenize(path): string[]
  • matchPath(pathA, pathB): boolean
  • escapePath(path): string
  • buildPath(tokens)[]): string
  • containWilcardToken(path): boolean


type: Object | any[]

Original object or array. Destructive operation is not performed.


type: string

Path of the property in JSON object. Use the . to select properties.
Separator in path syntax can be escaped by using the \\..

And, you can match arrays by using * (wildcard).


type: any

Value to set at path or optional default value to return from get.


type: (string | number)[]

An array of tokens that make up the path.


This is an option for Getter method. (get, forEach. and map)

  iterateObject: true; // If it is `true`, it will enumerate the values of the object when using wildcards
  iterateArray: true; // If it is `true`, it will enumerate the values of the array when using wildcards


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

Bugs, feature requests and comments are more than welcome in the issues.

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MIT © tsuyoshiwada