ResqueBoard copied to clipboard
Missing js files
I was looking at the apache logs and found out there are some files are not found.
"GET /ResqueBoard/src/ResqueBoard/webroot/js/libs/ HTTP/1.1" 404 "GET /ResqueBoard/src/ResqueBoard/webroot/js/libs/cal-heatmap.source-map.js HTTP/1.1" 404
Am I missing something???
No, these files are optionals
Hmmm... okay.... then I have no idea what was happening... The ResqueBoard only displays the full page on first load.... the subsequent loads after jump to other pages doesn't seem to render anything... I have already updated to the latest....
I have the same problem. It doesn't seem to be rendering or displaying any data from the Resque redis db. I only saw the worker list once, and it has not rendered since.
It turns out there was something wrong with some of the .js files under Chrome (31.0.1650.63 on Mac OSX 10.8.3) while using AdBlock. Not sure what it was as there were no obvious errors & nothing was being blocked, but disabling it fixed the issue....
I've tried on both Chrome and Firefox and both unable to render... I don't have Adblock installed on Firefox
There is also a note on another issue about editing the main.js to change the load order of libraries. I did that first, I'll see if I can find it...
Edit: It's here - I would also disable any other plugins or software that blocks trackers, etc. (such as Ghostery or Do Not Track Me).
That part of changes in main.js is already in the latest commit.
I've tried another fork from fushanlang. It seems to work with my setup for now... You can take a look.
The forks seems to fix some bugs, but it's hard to merge, as the fixes are written in the wrong files. I'll try contacting him
This is probably related to #38. The heatmap file missing only breaks the heatmap. The problem @ckmaresca and @teewhey mentioned about the page only loading once is the signature symptom of #38.