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My arch-linux config files
My Arch-Linux configuration
- Distro: Arch Linux
- Window Manager: i3wm
- Status Bar: Polybar
- Terminal: Alacritty (also Kitty)
- Launcher: Rofi
- Notifications: Dunst
- Compositor: Picom
- File Manager: Ranger
These are the pieces of software i use:
- alacritty
- btop
- dunst
- emacs
- flameshot
- htop
- i3
- kitty
- lazygit
- neofetch
- nvim
- picom
- polybar
- rofi
- tmux
- betterlockscreen
- starship
- Nitrogen
You will also have to install a Nerd Font.
Remove the dedicated folders in your ~/.config
and clone/copy this repository there.
mv ~/.config/.bashrc ~
Additionally you will have to install a TokyoNight GTK Theme, the TokyoNight and Papirus-Dark icon-theme. Additonaly the Shell Color Script by DistroTube.
Rofi Theme
I made this rofi theme, you can find the configuration here.
For icons in ranger to work, you will need to install ranger-devicons
Fitting wallpapers
You can find multiple wallpapers, which fit the theme here.
Neovim Config
My neovim configuration can be found
- I want to make an install scipt in the future, so i would be happy about a star, if you are interested :)
- I also need to update my screenshots ;D