three-geo copied to clipboard
error with es-pack-js when executing 'npm i'
Hope someone know this problem. I just clone this repo, cd three-geo and npm i, then comes this error below.
node ./postinstall.js
Thank you for installing EJS: built with the Jake JavaScript build tool (
[email protected] postinstall D:\gisdemo8threejs\three-geo\node_modules\es-pack-js (cd ./node-polyfill && npm run install); (cd ./rustwasm-polyfill && npm i);
此时不应有 (cd。 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: [email protected] (node_modules\es-pack-js\node_modules\fsevents): npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] postinstall: (cd ./node-polyfill && npm run install); (cd ./rustwasm-polyfill && npm i);
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
Have you solved the problem yet?I ran into the same problem
Same here, can't get the example running locally
To my knowledge, this error happens when building on Windows.
Using the latest es-pack-js (v0.5.3 with partial Windows support) might help:
$ npm config set script-shell bash
$ npm i [email protected]
$ npm run build
Updates (2022-03-22): As of 36f0862, building three-geo on Windows should just work by
$ npm config set script-shell bash
$ npm run build
yes, I'm working on Windows.
I've tried your proposed solution and got this error on the second command:
Windows user here, same error.
npm run build
[email protected] build es-pack build -m umd
/bin/bash: es-pack: command not found
Any clues?
/bin/bash: es-pack: command not found
Try npm i
Yes, already did fails. Tried npm i [email protected] and fails.
Please try npm i [email protected]
(latest version 0.5.13, not 0.5.3). Still fail?
I switched to WSL2, installed nvm, node etc according to
All checks out, everything installed. Opened Geo in VScode in WSL via code .
Try npm i or npm i three-geo but it fails now on: npm ERR! /bin/bash: node: command not found
But node is installed.
node --version v18.12.1
I switched to WSL2, installed nvm, node etc according to
All checks out, everything installed. Opened Geo in VScode in WSL via code .
Sorry, I am not familiar with the Windows environment...
FYI - latest CI build on Windows (via GitHub Action's Docker)
Apologies. my mistake. I had skipped a step and VScode wasn't fully hooking into WSL when I booted the project.
Fixed it, and it's all working fine under WSL2 as per your original docs (after installing node etc as per MS instructions above).
Thanks for the help, sounding board helps troubleshoot. Sorry to bother you, but at least you can add some extra instructions perhaps for WIndows users now to use WSL. Microsoft actually recommends this for js development now anyway, so all good.
Looking forward to having a play with it, some great work you've done there!
You might be interested in what I want to add actually, could be a useful addition. Haven't done three.js for a while so kind of starting from scratch again.
@sonicviz I have added some notes regarding this.
Thanks for your interest, and looking forward to seeing enhancements!
No problem.
Q: How do you calculate terrain height relative to the position units in three.js, which are also dependant on the zoom factor?
For example, if I want to position an object 1m above sea level (which according to sea level is 0) how do I translate that into a relative mesh position,z value that will translate it a unit of 1m (or 10m or whatever) relative to the scale of the mesh terrain elevation?
Also. how does that position calculation change based on the zoom factor, which can be from 11 to 17?
Q: How do you calculate terrain height relative to
Okay, I think this is a different issue topic. Could you open a new thread?
aok, done. ty