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Videos request
A "short" list of video tutorials in no specific order.
[ ] The Roles & Responsibilities of a Validator (update)
[ ] How to claim your DOT - Tutorial (update)
[ ] What is the "Existential Deposit"? & Error: "balances.transferKeepAlive" (update)
[x] How to switch network nodes (update) ✅ -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thj4dIMB5A8
[ ] Why can't I transfer tokens? (update)
[ ] How can I see if I'm in the top 128 nominators of an oversubscribed validator? How can I unstake my tokens again? How can I see my staking rewards? What does active / inactive / waiting mean? How can I bond more tokens to increase my stake? How do I change my validators? How can I see when my DOT tokens will be unlocked? How to rebond tokens during the unbonding period How can I change the destination account of my staking rewards? How to change your controller account A single video addressing all things "after staking" and we can link to specific timestamps of the video in each article.
[ ] using https://staking.polkadot.network/dashboard/#/overview for Staking
[ ] How to send / transfer funds out of your DOT account on the Polkadot-JS UI How can I see the transaction costs before I make a transfer? How to send all of your funds out of your account How to Send DOT from your Ledger Account on Polkadot-JS UI A single video for sending funds from all types of accounts
[ ] Ledger Error: Txn version not supported Ledger Error: "Unable to create enum via index" Ledger Error: Spec version not supported Video on how to update your Ledger apps
[ ] How to Vote in Governance, How to Remove Expired Democracy Locks (perhaps unnecessary with gov 2.0 coming)
[ ] Why Have I Stopped Nominating? Staking Limits explained I have more than the minimum bonded but I'm not getting rewards I have less than the minimum DOT needed for staking How to Join Nomination Pools A single video on staking limits that introduces bags lists and nomination pools
[ ] What is Statemint and Statemine and How do I use them? How to Teleport DOT or KSM between Statemint or Statemine How to Transfer USDT on Statemine How to Withdraw USDT from Bitfinex on Statemine Using Ledger with Statemine A single video on Statemin* that explains all concepts and also emphasises on not sending tokens from Statemin* to exchanges
[x] How to Create and Use a Multisig Account ✅ -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cPiKMslZqI (easy with Accounts tab); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0vIuJcTJeQ (advanced, with Extrinsics tab)