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What is WoT? tutorial on Semantic Web - slideset discussion
Overall structure
General introduction followed by WoT specifics
- Introduce essential Semantic Web technologies (RDF, Linked Data, JSON-LD, Knowledge Graphs, SPARQL)
- Introduce ontologies and maybe OWL (limit to useful profiles like RL or OWL LD) (SOSA/SSN, SAREF, iotschema.org, Brick, ...)
- Introduce how WoT uses the Semantic Web and semantic annotations (use cases: find/identify (groups of) Things, find/identify (groups of) interaction affordances, modeling the physical environment, modeling relations between Things)
- Maybe limit to TD ontology without JSON Schema/Data Schema ontology
- JSON Schema ontology
- Read-write Linked Data, 5 star LOD, LD principles, ...
(Likely) Non-goals:
- Description logics in detail
- Model theoretic semantics of RDF and OWL
Maybe try to have consistent running example(s) throughout tutorials
Any feedback and comments appreciated!