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Contributing translations
I would like to comtrubute Polish translation of the WAI Tutorial. What is the proper and best way to do it?
Hi @rotnicki
Thank you for your interest in providing translation of the WAI tutorials.
Information about translating WAI resources is at: https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/translating/
The tutorials are not ready for translation yet. We expect they will be in the coming months.
In the meantime, would you be interested in translating other resources listed on that page under Priorities...?
A good resource to start with is Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards
Feel free to e-mail me directly if you have other questions: [email protected]
Thanks! ~Shawn
(Leaving issue open for when they are ready for translation...)
@rotnicki Thanks for your interest. The tutorials have many open issues and need to be brought into the new site design so you and other translators can work with our translation process. Significant portions of the tutorials can also benefit from updates, so any translation at this point in time would be outdated really soon. We’ll keep you posted when those updates have happened.
We’ll keep you posted when those updates have happened.
@yatil has anything happened since then?
Hi @rotnicki - unfortunately the Tutorials section has not had a ton of work done on it until recently. I am trying to work through the PRs and issues and hopefully will have things up to date soon.
Hi @rotnicki Are there specific tutorials or pages that you are interested in translating? Would you be interested in translating other pages for now? See comment above :-)
Yes I am interested primarely in translating "An alt Decision Tree" as it is a kind of first-aid-kit when providing advice to people creating content that includes images. The always ask me how to create "good" alternative text?
BTW: I also tried to figure out how to compile a complete web site from source files in this wai-tutorials repository? Is there any documentation on how to do it?
Yes I am interested primarely in translating "An alt Decision Tree"
Good to know, I created an issue https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/issues/713
Is there any documentation on how to do it?
Not specifically.