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Batching API for sensor readings

Open pozdnyakov opened this issue 8 years ago • 69 comments

Batching API shall be used for collecting sensor readings that are lost between onchange calls in case sensor polling frequency is higher than the current frame rate. This API is already a subtopic at #98, but being itself a rather big item it deserves a dedicated issue. So please use this issue to discuss the use cases and proposals for sensor readings batch API.

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 23 '17 14:02 pozdnyakov

I would like to propose the following approach:

interface MotionSensor : Sensor {
   * Populates the passed array with the latest readings recorded right before the next
   * repaint.
   * The array length must be equal to Reading Size * N, where N is the desired number
   * of readings to collect.
   * Note: calling of this method can be expensive as it might require starting of a
   * high frequency timer.
   void collectLatestReadings(Float64Array array);

example usage:

let gyro = Gyroscope({frequency: 240});

const readingSize = 4; // tymestamp, x, y, z
let buffer = Float64Array(readingSize * 4);

function step(timestamp) {
  // Now 'buffer' contains recorded readings.
  gyro.collectLatestReadings(buffer); // Collect further.


Also I would drop 'onchnage' event for motion sensors as it does not bring much benefits there and on the other hand it is called too often draining CPU and battery.

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 23 '17 14:02 pozdnyakov

@tobie @anssiko PTAL

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 23 '17 14:02 pozdnyakov

Thanks for getting us started on this key conversation.

let gyro = Gyroscope({frequency: 240});

const readingSize = 4; // timestamp, x, y, z
let buffer = Float64Array(readingSize * 4);

function step(timestamp) {
  // Now 'buffer' contains recorded readings.
  gyro.collectLatestReadings(buffer); // Collect further.


We want to make sure the API design doesn't force the implementation to preemptively store all intermediary samples in case collectLatestReadings gets called in the following animation frame.

I think that's what you're suggesting here, but that's unclear from the API name alone. It's something we need to express clearly through the API names. Worth checking other BYOB APIs on the Web for ideas here.

What the use cases point towards so far is an API where the consumer can:

  1. Provide a buffer of the right size. Note it might be interesting to have a way to programmatically know the buffer size you need for a given number of readings, e.g.: let buffer = Float64Array(gyro.getReadingSize() * n);
  2. Know when the buffer has been updated.
  3. Maybe know when the buffer is full (promise or event-based? During rAF or as soon as it's full?).
  4. Possibly decide on a policy to handle what happens once the buffer is full (FIFO, FILO, throw, swap buffers, other?).
  5. Read from the buffer.

Also I would drop 'onchnage' event for motion sensors as it does not bring much benefits there and on the other hand it is called too often draining CPU and battery.

That requires removing them from Sensor too and thus creating an extra NonMotionSensor class inheriting from Sensor. Not necessarily a bad thing, but worth considering.

An other option would be to clearly distinguish between polling and reporting frequencies and throttle the latter to animation frame. We really need to understand what the use cases are for this, though.

tobie avatar Feb 23 '17 14:02 tobie

We want to make sure the API design doesn't force the implementation to preemptively store all intermediary samples in case collectLatestReadings gets called in the following animation frame.

I thought that if the actual amount of readings exceeds the given buffer capacity, the older records will be dropped and newer will be still added, so that buffer contains always the latest recorded readings

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 23 '17 15:02 pozdnyakov

We want to make sure the API design doesn't force the implementation to preemptively store all intermediary samples in case collectLatestReadings gets called in the following animation frame.

I thought that if the actual amount of readings exceeds the given buffer capacity, the older records will be dropped and newer will be still added, so that buffer contains always the latest recorded readings

That's not what I meant. Let me try and clarify.

The API name suggested above gives the impression you'll be able to fill up the buffer with existing readings pre-stored somewhere and read from it in the same event turn.

I thought that if the actual amount of readings exceeds the given buffer capacity, the older records will be dropped and newer will be still added, so that buffer contains always the latest recorded readings

That said, that wouldn't meet the Navisens use case for which dropping samples is a deal breaker.

tobie avatar Feb 23 '17 15:02 tobie

That said, that wouldn't meet the Navisens use case for which dropping samples is a deal breaker.

Agree, this use cased won't be met: long enough array could solve this problem for samples reported while an animation frame is being painted, but anyway some samples could lost in between of collectLatestReadings calls.

To meet this use case we need an uninterrupted recording all the time, note that samples can be lost even during notification that the given buffer is full and while refreshing the buffer.

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 24 '17 11:02 pozdnyakov

To meet this use case we need an uninterrupted recording all the time, note that samples can be lost even during notification that the given buffer is full and while refreshing the buffer.

Would you write to the buffer directly as you get the samples from the HAL (or equivalent) or would you write to it with each animation frame?

If its the former, we indeed need a buffer swapping mechanism of some sort. If it's the latter the buffer can be swapped synchronously by the API consumer during rAF (or right before? I'm not sure about the particulars of this) if they're advised the buffer is about to be filled, no?

let gyro = new Gyroscope();
let bufferA = Float64Array(gyro.getReadingSize() * n);
let bufferB = Float64Array(gyro.getReadingSize() * n);
gyro.onbufferfull = _ => {
  if (gyro.buffer === bufferA) {
    gyro.buffer = bufferB;
  } else {
    gyro.buffer = bufferA;

tobie avatar Feb 24 '17 12:02 tobie

I was planning to have an internal data structure that is being fulfilled periodically (using a timer) with N latest readings starting from the moment when collectLatestReadings() is called and till the moment when next frame paint is scheduled (i.e. right before rAF callbacks are invoked) and in the later moment the internal data structure contents would be copied to the given Float64Array. Thus client has a notion of previous readings obtained with the frequency higher than the current frame rate.

In Chromium sensor data is fetched from the underlying system in one process and then it is put to a shared memory buffer. JS runs within a different process.

Considering the fact that JS engine can arbitrary pause or defer scripts execution I doubt that we can completely avoid sample loosing whatever API we invent.

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 24 '17 13:02 pozdnyakov

I was planning to have an internal data structure that is being fulfilled periodically (using a timer) with N latest readings starting from the moment when collectLatestReadings() is called and till the moment when next frame paint is scheduled (i.e. right before rAF callbacks are invoked) and in the later moment the internal data structure contents would be copied to the given Float64Array. Thus client has a notion of previous readings obtained with the frequency higher than the current frame rate.

That seems perfectly reasonable.

Would the buffer get overwritten each turn? Or just used once?

Would you handle the use case of collecting large amounts of data (e.g. 500 samples at 120 Hz) using the same API?

If so would we fire specific events when the buffer is full? What would happen to extra samples? Would they stay in your data structure until a new buffer came along?

In Chromium sensor data is fetched from the underlying system in one process and then it is put to a shared memory buffer. JS runs within a different process.

Considering the fact that JS engine can arbitrary pause or defer scripts execution I doubt that we can completely avoid sample loosing whatever API we invent.

I guess in practice that depends on the size of the underlying shared buffer, no? I think if we can limit this to being really rare and/or fire readinglost events (but would we even know we lost data?), that would be neat.

tobie avatar Feb 24 '17 14:02 tobie

Would the buffer get overwritten each turn? Or just used once?

Only once per collectLatestReadings() call (this is gonna be an expensive method so IMO it's better to call it explicitly on every frame)

Would you handle the use case of collecting large amounts of data (e.g. 500 samples at 120 Hz) using the same API?

The given array will contain only the readings recorded while a single frame painting, meaning that for 120 Hz polling frequency (and assuming 60 fps) space for 2 readings should suffice.

If so would we fire specific events when the buffer is full? What would happen to extra samples? Would they stay in your data structure until a new buffer came along?

Inside the internal data structure the oldest readings will be replaced by the new ones, so if the given buffer is shorter than needed it will contain the latest readings and the older ones will be lost.

Any new event will be delivered in a different call chain (at an undefined future moment) which means that some samples will be lost in meanwhile.. Instead, maybe we could require array size equal to [READING_SIZE * COUNT+1] and the last element will be used as a flag indicating overflow, so that the user can allocate a bigger buffer for the next time.

I guess in practice that depends on the size of the underlying shared buffer, no? I think if we can limit this to being really rare and/or fire readinglost events (but would we even know we lost data?), that would be neat.

JS is not aware if it got suspended or deferred so there is always a likelyhood of lost samples

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 24 '17 15:02 pozdnyakov

The given array will contain only the readings recorded while a single frame painting, meaning that for 120 Hz polling frequency (and assuming 60 fps) space for 2 readings should suffice.

What happens when we fall below 60 Hz, though? I think we need to account for that in how we size buffers (or the underlying data structure used to populate them.

Instead, maybe we could require array size equal to [READING_SIZE * COUNT+1] and the last element will be used as a flag indicating overflow, so that the user can allocate a bigger buffer for the next time.

I imagine that if we can write this info to the consumer's buffer, we can equally write it somewhere else and use that info to fire a "bufferoverflow" event, no? Seems more web-y. Events are synchronous, so the consumer would be informed within the same AF.

Would you handle the use case of collecting large amounts of data (e.g. 500 samples at 120 Hz) using the same API?

The given array will contain only the readings recorded while a single frame painting, meaning that for 120 Hz polling frequency (and assuming 60 fps) space for 2 readings should suffice.

So that doesn't fit our Navisens use case. Would be interesting to thing about it separately, maybe even in terms of a ServiceWorker-based API, that would emit events a much longer intervals, once a large buffer would be full.

tobie avatar Feb 24 '17 16:02 tobie

The previous proposal looks a bit clumsy and not sufficient for some use cases ( , so another approach:

interface MotionSensor : Sensor {
   * Populates the passed array with the sensor readings.
   * The returned promise is resolved when the buffer gets full or when sensor stops.
   * The returned promise is rejected if sensor wasn't yet started or if an error has
   * occurred.
   Promise<> populateBuffer(Float64Array array);

For implementing this we could start a new thread collecting readings in background until the required amount of data is collected.

@tobie, PTAL

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 27 '17 11:02 pozdnyakov

Also, as for onchnage event removal, we could have

interface EnvironmentalSensor : Sensor {
attribute EventHandler onchange;

interface AmbientLightSensor : EnvironmentalSensor {

pozdnyakov avatar Feb 27 '17 11:02 pozdnyakov

As mentioned before, I think we need to do a bit more research in use cases, requirements and how similar cases are handled across the platform before we write down APIs.

tobie avatar Feb 27 '17 11:02 tobie

Did anyone look at whether the new SharedArrayBuffer might make sense?

kenchris avatar Feb 27 '17 12:02 kenchris

Did anyone look at whether the new SharedArrayBuffer might make sense?

Vaguely. I don't think it matches our use case at all, but it's probably easy to prove me wrong.

tobie avatar Feb 27 '17 12:02 tobie

Recently I studied the possible ways how to implement reliable delivery of sensor readings received at the rate higher than the current frame rate (!topic/blink-dev/35QSwrRazKY ).

From what I learned, the only feasible way is to collect readings and make batches on platform side (in the same context where these readings were obtained) and then send the fulfilled batches to JS side consequently and making sure nothing is missed. This approach implies a significant latency.

On the other hand the existing Sensor API is designed to fetch the most recent data with minimal latency, so it looks quite problematic to integrate both approaches in the same API.

This means that batching API should be split from the existing Sensor API (onchange + getters) as these two will be implemented differently: we need either to extend the Sensor interface with new methods or maybe it is better to have a separate SensorWatcher interface.

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 20 '17 20:03 pozdnyakov

Just to clarify, it seems, from the use cases gathered so far, that we're fine getting those batches delivered on rAF. How would that increase latency of the most freshest of these samples compared to the current situation?

Basically, what we want to support is polling at a greater frequency than the frame rate, not reporting this data at a greater frequency than the frame rate. (Or at least that's the plan given the technical constraints and the use cases gathered so far.)

tobie avatar Mar 20 '17 20:03 tobie

Just to clarify, it seems, from the use cases gathered so far, that we're fine getting those batches delivered on rAF. How would that increase latency of the most freshest of these samples compared to the current situation?

Right, we propagate data in sync with rAF in any case, but currently we propagate the freshest data immediately obtained from platform side (via shared buffer) - very low latency. In case of batch API we'll propagate a batch that had been collected on platform side and send using a different IPC mechanism (which provides better data synchronization and integrity) some time ago - here latency turns up.

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 21 '17 10:03 pozdnyakov

In case of batch API we'll propagate a batch that had been collected on platform side and send using a different IPC mechanism (which provides better data synchronization and integrity) some time ago - here latency turns up.

I see. Care to elaborate on the distinctions between the two IPC mechanism and their respective limitations?

Basically, why can't we just get a larger shared buffer? To collect maybe 4 samples instead of 1?

tobie avatar Mar 21 '17 10:03 tobie

Basically, why can't we just get a larger shared buffer? To collect maybe 4 samples instead of 1?

We can. Than we'll always provide 4 latest readings, but if frame rate goes down for some reason and for example 6 readings are missed (i.e. not propagated) than only latest four will be delivered and previous two lost. Is it acceptable?

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 21 '17 10:03 pozdnyakov

Care to elaborate on the distinctions between the two IPC mechanism and their respective limitations?

In best case scenario the extra latency is 2ms (on Nexus), but it can increase if the context running JS slows down for some reason and suspends handling of the received batches.

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 21 '17 10:03 pozdnyakov

We can. Than we'll always provide 4 latest readings, but if frame rate goes down for some reason and for example 6 readings are missed (i.e. not propagated) than only latest four will be delivered and previous two lost. Is it acceptable?

Well, that's an interesting tradeoff I frankly don't have a good answer to until we have clearer use cases and requirements.

How large can such a buffer be? i.e. can you get some extra space to account for say the 95% percentile of frame delays?

Going back to one of your previous comments, I agree we might also want another API that trades off latency over integrity, perhaps for bigger sample sets.

The requirements I'm roughly seeing so far are (take those with a grain of salt for now):

  1. latest sample, low latency.
  2. latest few samples, low latency, ok to loose some samples.
  3. batch of samples, important not to loose any, latency not so much of an issue.

I'm wondering whether (1) and (2) could be combined in a single API, though (2) requires you somehow integrate timestamps in the output which (1) can (possibly) handle differently.

tobie avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 tobie

In best case scenario the extra latency is 2ms (on Nexus), but it can increase if the context running JS slows down for some reason and suspends handling of the received batches.

Yikes! We certainly don't want to ruin latency for VR by doing this. Thanks for these data points, that's super useful.

tobie avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 tobie

I'm wondering whether (1) and (2) could be combined in a single API,

yes, I do not see any issues from the implementation side, but we should figure out the required amount of latest readings to keep and explain it somehow (i.e. why 4 and not 40 :-) )

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 pozdnyakov

yes, I do not see any issues from the implementation side, but we should figure out the required amount of latest readings to keep and explain it somehow (i.e. why 4 and not 40 :-) )

From an implementor's perspective, would it make sense and be useful to have this be author-settable (and capped to a max value, obviously)?

tobie avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 tobie

Would it make sense to have this be author-settable (and capped to a max value, obviously)?

it might be hard to find a good estimation, could try to base it on 60Hz assuming it as frame rate, but the actual frame rate varies.

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 pozdnyakov

another thing is that we have multiple sensor instances using the same buffer infra and new instances can arbitrary appear in runtime, so the buffer size should not be something settable by the user.

pozdnyakov avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 pozdnyakov

Sorry, edited my comment in the meantime, which is generally a bad idea.

I'm making the (perhaps incorrect) assumption that authors (god—I hate that name) would be in the right position to know the number of readings required to run whatever computation they want to in each new frame.

tobie avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 tobie

another thing is that have multiple sensor instances using the same buffer infra and new instances can arbitrary appear in runtime, so the buffer size should no t be something settable by the user.

I guess this is a risk. Couldn't this still let you optimize for the most common cases (e.g. perhaps default to only one sample) and swap for a bigger buffer if/when the need arises?

tobie avatar Mar 21 '17 11:03 tobie