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The conformance checker for EPUB publications
Hi all, I am trying to import EpubCheck4 jar file in Android code and I successful import Epubchecker4.jar in Android Studio and trying to validate EPUB files like: ``` @Override...
So they don't get forgotten... We don't check that the number of li elements in any given ul matches the number of renditions, only that there are at least two...
As I'm looking at validating the WCAG MR sample I'm thinking it would be nice if I could pick only one or the other rootfile element to validate to allow...
For whenever you have all the time in the world, it would be nice to have an option to force saving of an expanded epub even if epubcheck reports errors....
Another edupub satellite spec we need to check: 1) that only one xhtml document ("base document") is referenced from a child link (spine) of the scriptable component collection 2) that...
Also needed for edupub is to be able to validate resources to the json schema at http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/schema/oa-epub-schema.json From testing, the requirement to allow resources with media type application/ld+json;profile=http://www.idpf.org/epub/oa/1.0/ is already...
This is the kind of message generated if a manifest entry references a missing file or the file path is wrong: ERROR(RSC-001): .\figure-gallery-bindings.epub/figure-gallery-bindings.epub(-1,-1): File 'EPUB/epub.css' is not found. This is...
I researched about localizing schematron messages and found two ways: - using `diagnostics` with ISO schematron - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10189053/what-is-the-best-way-to-internationalize-schematron-error-messages - but we aren't using ISO schematron - changing our schematron schemas...
I just built the current snapshot from master branch and ran epubcheck: ``` → java -jar epubcheck.jar ~/Desktop/Desktop/epubcheck/lorem.epub Validating against EPUB version 2.0 - custom validation WARNING(CSS-022): /Users/tobiasfischer/Desktop/Desktop/epubcheck/lorem.epub/EPUB/lorem.css(2,5): CSS Selector...
Hi all, I'm a developer and I'm currently writing an application in Java which would allow to write and manage epub more easily. It is hosted at Github (name :...