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Avatar-Score-Sender bug
Browser: Chrome
Plugin: Tampermonkey 4.5
Accessed url:
Installation url: From the github URL
Error Message: cannot setAttribute of undefined
Obs.: The Monkey button shows up but doesnt open, and is not clickable
Example of code: (Optional, only if you know what it means)
"gr-ctp-settings": { rename: ["settings", "avatar"], execute: function(node, p) { var btn = xpath("id('ctp-avatar-save')/img", node)[0] , table = xpath("./ancestor::table[1]", btn)[0]; table.setAttribute("style", "margin: 0 20px;"); btn.src = btn.src.replace("use-these-settings", "submit");
the variables, btn and table, are undefined after execution. The document does not contain a tag with an id of ctp-avatar-save