telegram-notification-resource icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
telegram-notification-resource copied to clipboard

Resource for Concourse CI to send messages to Telegram


Resource for Concourse CI to send messages to Telegram. You can pass your message from tasks with text file, or send a static message.

Telegram Botfather

It allows you to send (put) a messages to Telegram from your pipeline.

Prepare your bot

Before using this resource, you should create a bot for yourself. Please, follow the instruction to create a bot and to get its token. Pass this value to the bot_token parameter.

Then, find out the chat ID you want to send notifications to. Now you are ready to use it.

Private channel

It is a good idea to create a private channel for your team where bot will print all the messages from Concourse. In this case you need to follow this steps:

  1. create a public channel, give it a name, say, @MyChannel
  2. add your bot as an administrator
  3. then, send some testing message to this channel, use this command: curl -X POST "<botApi>/sendMessage?chat_id=@MyChannel&text=123". You should see a new message from your bot in your channel. Check the JSON output from this command, you will find an chat_id. The output could look like this: { "ok" : true, "result" : { "chat" : { "id" : -1001005582487, "title" : "Test Private Channel", "type" : "channel" }, "date" : 1448245538, "message_id" : 7, "text" : "123" } } , where chat_id is -1001005582487
  4. optionally, now you can make your channel private, generate link and send it to your collegues

Use the resource

The simplest example:

# declare custom resource type:
- name: telegram-notification
  type: docker-image
    repository: w32blaster/concourse-telegram-notifier
    tag: latest

# declare resource
- name: telegram-notification
  type: telegram-notification
    bot_token: "<bot token>"

# use it in your job
- name: "Job Send Message To Telegram"
  public: true
    - put: telegram-notification
         chat_id: "<your chat ID>"
         # you need to specify one of text or text_file properties, with text_file you can generate message text in your previous task
         text: "Build ok. [Build $BUILD_NAME](http://localhost:8080/pipelines/$BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME/jobs/$BUILD_JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NAME)"
         text_file: './task_output/file_with_message'
         # optional parameter, Telegram API parse mode, may be HTML or Markdown, Markdown is default value
         parse_mode: HTML

Have fun.