Slav Zhilov
Slav Zhilov
Ex2 Ultra device has hardware CESA enctyption built-in: So I found it is better to use aes-cbc-essiv, that is about twice faster than the cipher above. So the correct...
Yes, sure. I believe the USB drive will be detected as /dev/sdc1 and then last lines of /initrd/init will be: mount -o rw /dev/sbc1 /mnt/root 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ -h...
I have changed the init script adding a little dialog with a boot option from external device
The kernel is stored at /dev/mtdblock1. This partition is 5Mb. I believe it is possible to squeeze 5.4 kernel into that. It would take trials_and_errors approach with "2.Kernel/kernel.config" to compile...