rex-weather copied to clipboard
does not handle configuration change
You should add retained fragments (see or to retain the REST calls when the activity is restarted on device rotation. Right now, on orientation change, you get an error "sendUserActionEvent() mView == null" and you would notice it much more if you tried it with a bigger dataset than just the current weather.
By the way, because the landscape layout is unusable, you obviously only tested it in portait mode.
You're right, I didn't consider configuration changes in this example. I should probably have locked the screen orientation to portrait.
Doing a setRetainInstance(true)
in WeatherFragment
would be the preferred solution here, since we're using RxJava as a replacement for AsyncTask.
I'll see if I can push a fix out this weekend.
thanks btw, locking the orientation is called "last resort" at
I was not too concerned with the usability of this app to be honest. This is most definitely not a production-ready app. Thanks for caring enough to open an issue though. I'll try to find some time this weekend to fix this.
@ber4444 locking the screen orientation is not considered a last resort, what is considered a last resort is handling the configurations changes manually by declaring the android:configChanges
for your activity, maybe your were thinking about android:screenOrientation
still have some caveats but as @vyshane mentioned this is not a production app.