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Large exponential can cause very long Vyper runtime

Open agroce opened this issue 5 years ago • 8 comments

Version Information

  • vyper Version (output of vyper --version): 0.1.0b13+commit.da6d2a3
  • OS: osx
  • Python Version (output of python --version): Python 3.7.4
  • Environment (output of pip freeze): apipkg==1.5 asttokens==1.1.13 atomicwrites==1.3.0 attrdict==2.0.1 attrs==19.3.0 base58==1.0.3 certifi==2019.9.11 cffi==1.13.1 chardet==3.0.4 coverage==4.5.4 coveralls==1.6.0 cryptography==2.8 cytoolz==0.10.0 docopt==0.6.2 entrypoints==0.3 eth-abi==2.0.0b9 eth-account==0.4.0 eth-bloom==1.0.3 eth-hash==0.2.0 eth-keyfile==0.5.1 eth-keys==0.3.1 eth-rlp==0.1.2 eth-tester==0.1.0b39 eth-typing==2.1.0 eth-utils==1.7.0 ethpm==0.1.4a19 execnet==1.7.1 filelock==3.0.12 flake8==3.7.8 flake8-bugbear==18.8.0 hexbytes==0.2.0 hypothesis==4.11.7 idna==2.8 importlib-metadata==0.23 ipfshttpclient==0.4.12 isort==4.3.21 jsonschema==2.6.0 lru-dict==1.1.6 mccabe==0.6.1 more-itertools==7.2.0 multiaddr==0.0.8 mypy==0.701 mypy-extensions==0.4.3 netaddr==0.7.19 packaging==19.2 parsimonious==0.8.1 pluggy==0.13.0 protobuf==3.10.0 py==1.8.0 py-ecc==1.7.1 py-evm==0.2.0a42 pycodestyle==2.5.0 pycparser==2.19 pycryptodome==3.9.0 pyethash==0.1.27 pyflakes==2.1.1 pyparsing==2.4.2 pytest==5.2.1 pytest-cov==2.4.0 pytest-xdist==1.18.1 PyYAML==5.1.2 requests==2.22.0 rlp==1.1.0 semantic-version==2.8.2 six==1.12.0 toml==0.10.0 toolz==0.10.0 tox==3.14.0 trie==1.4.0 typed-ast==1.3.5 urllib3==1.25.6 varint==1.0.2 virtualenv==16.7.7 vyper==0.1.0b13 wcwidth==0.1.7 web3==5.0.0b2 websockets==7.0 zipp==0.6.0

What's your issue about?

This contract:

def f0():
    lv0: uint256 = MAX_INT128 ** MAX_INT128

should immediately complain the value is out of bounds, which it does for smaller values (e.g., 2**256); instead, it runs for hours .

Another TSTL-produced contract (https://github.com/agroce/tstl/tree/master/examples/vyper)

How can it be fixed?

Fill this in if you know how to fix it.

agroce avatar Oct 30 '19 16:10 agroce

:thinking: is this a bug? Or is the vyper compiler correct in trying to calculate a very very large number.

charles-cooper avatar Oct 31 '19 09:10 charles-cooper

:thinking: safemath on compiler constant folding?

fubuloubu avatar Oct 31 '19 13:10 fubuloubu

Yeah, not sure if a bug. Some compilers obviously catch a crazy constant folding request and terminate, but it's certainly not always done.

agroce avatar Oct 31 '19 15:10 agroce

Since some endusers of the compiler are using it on publicly-exposed infrastructure (e.g. etherscan) I think we should at least bound this and fail to prevent DDoS vectors for them

fubuloubu avatar Oct 31 '19 16:10 fubuloubu

If defense against DDoS is a real concern, it might be more practical to have some type of reasonable timeout baked in; I suspect it's going to be hard to have a compiler that doesn't have exposed quadratic+ cases that could be exploited.

agroce avatar Oct 31 '19 16:10 agroce

I don't think infrastructure providers need us to prevent DoS for them, since that is their job and they are presumably much better at it than we are, and some users may have some arcane use case for which they actually do want a long compile time (e.g. embedded execution or some really complicated code).

charles-cooper avatar Oct 31 '19 16:10 charles-cooper

fair, I would prefer DoS-resistance but I suppose it's not actually a hard requirement for the compiler, as they will have additional protections through containers

fubuloubu avatar Oct 31 '19 18:10 fubuloubu

we can fix this by adding a sanity check that right is not too large here: https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/blob/aac0be8db89981c4ae27bc606fc411c531c44a80/vyper/ast/nodes.py#L1000-L1004

charles-cooper avatar Jul 13 '22 15:07 charles-cooper