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Pointer chain scanner for Linux.
Ptrscan is an implementation of a pointer scanner following the ideas of Cheat Engine's own pointer scanner implementation. Ptrscan was written from scratch to run natively on Linux - no more running CE through wine.
Ptrscan dynamically links libpwu. Release 0.1.4 is required. Visit the page and follow installation instructions.
Fetch the repo:
$ git clone
Generate build files:
$ cd ptrscan && ./
Build the release:
$ cd build && make scan
Check the install script & install:
$ cd .. && sudo ./
Using ptrscan is covered in the ptrscan manpage:
$ man ptrscan
- Pointer scan process example_proc for address 0x55134a90f080 (-a) and save the results to first_map.pscan (-w):
ptrscan -a 0x55134a90f080 -w first_map.pscan example_proc
- Verify the pointer chains (-x) in first_map.pscan (-r) to check that they arrive at address 0x55431bea1080 (-a). Output the new results to second_map.pscan (-w).
ptrscan -x -a 0x55431bea1080 -r first_map.pscan -w second_map.pscan example_proc
- Using the default terminal interface (-c), carry out an aligned (-q) pointer scan with 0x500 lookback (-p) and the depth of 4 levels (-l). Use 4 threads (-t). Report on the progress of the scan (-v). Output pointer chains to the third_map.pscan file. Carry out the scan on the example_proc process.
ptrscan -c -v -q -p 0x500 -l 4 -t 4 -a 0x7fffba434000 -w third_map.pscan example_proc
An alternative ncurses interface is planned. For any other feature requests or bugs please open an issue.